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Hey you guys! I know it's been a while since I've updated but my personal life has been a roller coaster. I've missed you all and missed reading your amazing comments. I hope you all like this chapter! I haven't written in a while, so bear with me.



"Now you have to promise me you won't explode or get angry," Klay spoke carefully as he watched the younger woman shift on her seat again. Abigail was clearly agitated but trying to keep calm, how else could he ruin her day?

"I'm not making any promises, what is it?" she was back to her no nonsense personality and Erika knew it was time for she and Kam to evacuate.

"Kam, sweetie, why don't we give Daddy and Auntie some time to talk? We can go watch some television in the den," Erika got off of the floor and went over to Kam, who was already out of the chair and waiting for her. She threw a look of encouragement over to Klay before leaving the room with Kam in tow.

Abi's eyes were fixated on Klay, as he looked around the room. The man sighed briefly and looked up to the ceiling, asking God for help.

"Klay, I have all day and night. It's not like I have work or anything to do really, we can sit here as long as it takes." She folded her arms across her chest and Klay knew he should just get it over with.

"Kevin's coming here," he blurted out and closed his eyes, waiting for the blow. Instead, he received the sound of footsteps leaving the room. Klay opened his eyes and saw the woman retreating back down the long hall. Klay wasn't sure if her silence was worse than the possible attack he was expecting.

Klay sighed again and got up, following the pregnant woman back to the kitchen. She was leaning against the counter, drinking lemonade and drumming her fingers on the stove. Abi took a look at the man in front of her and narrowed her eyes, she was not in the mood for games.

"Abi, please say something. I had to invite him here if we were going to plan the wedding. I didn't mean to hurt you but he's one of my best friends and I've known him the longest," Klay remained on his side of the kitchen as he plead with the woman he's always treated like a baby sister.

"So you had to pick him? What about Steph? Dray? Hell, you have a brother Klay! Trayce would have happily been there for you!" Abi slammed the glass onto the counter as tears prickled her eyes. Her hormones were all over the place and he was not helping.

"Abs, listen to me, Kevin and I go all the way back to little league baseball. He's been my best friend since we were kids. He was there for me throughout every aspect of my life and I couldn't imagine another person being better for the job. I get that y'all aren't on great terms right now but this isn't about you two. This wedding is something Erika and I want to be amazing and we want you two to be up there with us as we reach another milestone together."

The tears began to flow down her cheeks, much to her dismay. She didn't want Kevin there but she did want Erika and Klay to have the wedding they deserved. The woman was having an internal battle as she felt Klay closing in on her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled the woman into his chest.

"I'm such a mess Klay, I really want y'all to be happy but I can't be around him. I don't want him here but I do. I don't know what to do anymore," she sobbed into his chest as he rubbed her back. Klay stood there, watching her cry and grip his shirt and he felt his heart breaking. He had to get the two back together, they were clearly miserable apart.

"Hey now, it's alright. You're supposed to feel emotions, it's called being human. We all make mistakes and we all hurt sometimes. There's nothing wrong with expressing how you feel, okay?" Klay waited for her to nod and he smiled, she never listened to anyone but he always managed to catch her attention.

They Don't Know About Us (Sequel to "Their Best Kept Secret")Where stories live. Discover now