Next To You

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Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in FOREVER but I wanted to do a little something for you all. I'm going to TRY to update more often and I hope y'all like the new chapter!


Klay laughed and spun in circles as Erika held onto him for dear life. The happy couple were being sickeningly sweet but Abi couldn't help but smile at them. Kevin glanced over to her, seeing the admiration in her eyes and closed his own. His head swirled with ambivalence and he was trying his hardest to keep his emotions in check.

"Hey Kevin, how are you?" Klay placed his future bride on her feet and she quickly made her way around the table to hug the Cleveland player. Kevin stood abruptly and embraced the younger woman, missing her company.

"Hey Erika, I'm alright. But I want to know how you're doing, I mean planning a wedding is a major milestone." Abi's snort did not go by unnoticed and Klay rolled his eyes. Erika sighed and shook her head, deciding to pat Kevin on the shoulder and return to her spot next to Klay. He pulled out the chair for her and joined them at the table.

"Yeah, it really is but I'm excited and nervous..." Erika bit her lip, thinking about all of the plans they still had to make.

"And crazy," Klay mumbled, turning towards the window. Erika elbowed her fiancé in the ribs and huffed. He smiled and brought her closer to his side, kissing the top of her head.

"I'm just joking baby, we're crazy together." Erika shook her head at his words, deciding not to respond. Kevin smiled at the couple and took a sip of water. He, like Abi, admired the love the two forged from a one night stand. Would he and Abi ever have that bond? The unconditional love they once had?

"Okay, so what are we looking at first? Invitations? Colors? Food? Please say food because I'm so hungry!" Abigail clapped her hands together happily as Klay fished some sample menus from one of their many folders.

"Exactly! Food is one of the most important parts of the whole reception. That's what I tried to tell this one but NOOOO, she wants to talk about music and gift bags," Klay rolled his eyes and shared some of the choices with Abi.

"Well music is really important and I'm sure guests love gifts, I definitely wouldn't say no to anything free," Kevin snickered and Erika fist bumped the man. Klay and Abi rolled their eyes again and drooled over the pictures of side dishes. Kevin and Erika flipped through gift ideas and tried different combinations of bags.

The four friends maneuvered through countless details, everything from flowers to glasses for toasts. The guest list was complete and decoration plans were starting to take shape. The sun had begun to set and everyone was becoming restless.

"I think we're going to head back to the hotel, Kam's been in and out of sleep for the past hour and I'm sure he's hungry. We can meet up again tomorrow and actually go out for some fresh air." Klay said, getting up from the chair. He stretched, cracking his back and loosening his shoulders.

"That sounds good, I'll show you guys around a bit and we can hit up one of my favorite restaurants," Abi shifted in the seat, wondering how she would get up without help. Kevin swiftly slid of out of chair and hooked an arm under hers, bringing her up slowly. He rubbed soothing circles into the lower right side of her back and twisted her body gently to ease the pain.

"There you go," Kevin was about to place a kiss on her temple but stopped short of her head. The man had to shake the feelings off and back away slowly. Erika sent Klay a knowing look and the two quietly cheered for getting their friends on the right track.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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