Chapter Ten: Words In Waiting

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I grab Louis, "Don't cry love. I was only singing what I felt." I tell him. He smiles and states, "Haz, they are happy tears. I love the song, I can completely relate. I have been writing lyrics into notepads since and only since the day I first saw you. It's like you opened my heart and the music started flowing out. I was empty, then you came into my life and filled it will colour, and possibility."

"Damn" I say "We are emotional wrecks, love...we can't help falling in love over and over." Louis smiles at me. "Let's take a walk." He says "Ok, as long as we don't go the way we did that one time. I am still having nightmares from that day." I tell Louis in a concerned voice "No worries, I completely agree, I don't want to go that way. I can't have that happen to you again. I am still jittery from the first time. I get scared when you freak out." Louis explains. "So then it's settled, we won't be going that way." I say one last time and Louis nods in agreement.

We end up making our way to the bakery where I work. My boss is there. "Harry! Good to see you!! How are you feeling?" She asks. "I'm just fine grandma, thank you." I reply "You know, I miss all the help you gave. Think you could lend a hand?" "Sure grandma, but I would like you to meet someone, and he can help out too!" I say "Alright." "Grandma, this is Louis, he is my boyfriend." I tell her stepping outta the way so she can see Louis. "Oh! Hello dear! I didn't see you back there. You fit perfectly behind Harry." She says "That was kinda the point. I'm a bit shy. I've only ever met his mum." Louis explains "Louis, you have nothing to worry about, she isn't going to hurt you." I say reassuringly. "I-I know love, but you know how I am around family." He says. I grab him and hold him tight. "I know, love, I know. Let's go work" I say "It was very nice to meet you Nana Styles." Louis says as we walk past her into the kitchen. "And you dear. I see Harry told you his nickname for me." Nana Styles replies. "Yes, it's catchy, I hope you don't mind me calling you that." Lou says with a worried look on his face. "Not at all dear."

"Come on Lou, there's lots to be done." I say grabbing his hand taking him into the kitchen. "So, what's first? You know I can't cook let alone, bake." Louis asks. "Fiiiirst, we clean up. You know, wash our hands and grab our aprons." I tell him. "Of course." We wash up and make our way over to the closet for the aprons. I pull mine out and hand Louis his. "It's got your name on it." he says. "Yeah. My mum hand sewed it on there when I was very young." he looks down at his. He spots the black lettering. It's backwards. 

Louis turns his arounds and reads the name on his apron. "Louis. You have an apron with my name on it?" he asked shocked "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I ask "Well, seeing as I don't work here, did you have someone with my name work here?" "How about you try on the apron and see how it fits. I need to see if I need to make anymore adjustments." "You made this?" "Louis put it on." I tell him. He puts it on. "Yes, I did. I made perfectly too! It fits like a glove." "Who did the embroidery since your mum isn't here? It is wonderfully done." Louis explains "I did. My mum taught me about a year ago. Oh and your name isn't the only thing sewn into that apron." Louis looks at me puzzled. "Look at right side seam. You'll see what I am talking about." I explain "O-Ok?" He says as he searches the seam. He finds it. The seam reads "Louis, you are the best, if I tried to explain how I feel about you, it would be impossible because I have sooo much to say, it would feel like infinity. All the love -H" 

"Oh, Harry. Thank you! I love getting things like this from you." Louis says with the biggest most cheekiest smile on his face. I walk over to him and give him a kiss. Then looking into this ocean of blue, that are his eyes, I say, "Let's get to work." 

Love In Disguise... -Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now