Chapter Two: He's in Love With the Boy

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Louis seemed to be very happy that I didn't yell or run from him after he kissed me. In fact, when I looked away I could tell that he'd just quietly screamed "YES!" and did a happy dance to go with it. I knew partly because I heard him say "yes," so knowing Louis it was definitely followed by a dance. He decided to skip to his next class. "Oh, Harry?" "Yes?" "About that date Saturday. It will be just you and me." "A date?" I ask. "Yeah. What else babe?" "I honestly don't know, but you have never said the word 'date.'"


I'm still trying to process why Louis would ask me out. I mean I know that we are together, but there are many people that he could have asked out, in which I would have been fine with because of the fact that he is one hundred percent gay. As I sit through my next class I start thinking about preparations for Saturday. To be completely honest, I'm a little scared. Ok so a just a bit more than a little in other words...SCARED OUT OF MY FOOKING MIND!! "Ok Haz, calm down, it's just a need to flip out, just cool...oooor at least try." I say to myself.

Before I knew it, school was out and I was leaving. Thank God!!! I am so tired, I just want to go home and sleep. Maybe watch some T.V. I can't wait till mum gets home, but till then I am home alone. Mum is away on a business trip in the U.S., and my sister Gemma is at our grandmother's. I got to thinking, "Hmmmm, maybe I could invite Louis over...NO! That would ruin our date later this week."

I finally get home. I go straight to the kitchen and make something to eat. "What's on T.V.?" I ask myself, then I hear a knock at the door. I glance out the window. "SHIT IT'S LOUIS!! WHAT THE FOOK IS HE DOING HERE?!? HE NEVERS COMES OVER HERE!!!" my head is screaming, "SHIT!! SHIIIIIIT!!! WHAT DO I DO?!? OPEN THE DOOR!! GOD YOU DUMB ASS!!" I open the door and almost making a fool out of myself, I ask, "H-hey Louis. Wha-what are you doing here?" "Oh you know, I just moved in next door, wanted to meet my new neighbors. I wanted to get to know them, see who I need to stay away from." he winks "How's that going for you?" I ask "Much better now that I know I'm living next to the hottest boy in school, to whom I happen to be dating." he says with a huge smirky smile. I can't help but blush and smile at the ground. "Get in here." I tell him.

He comes in and we continue our conversation. "So where are your mum and sister?" "Mum is out of town for the next six weeks and Gemma is staying at grandmother's." I reply "Oh, so you won't mind if I do.....this!" He leans into a passionate kiss and we fell to the couch. I don't want it to end, but I can't let this get to far. "Lou-Louis, why don't you stay here tonight. We can have our date early..." I say scared of what his reaction is going to be. I know I shouldn't be. I mean we've been together for almost two years now. He says nothing and continues seducing me with that wonderful kiss of his. "I will take that as, "I'd love to!" and go make your side of the bed." "I get my own side? I don't get to share one with you?" He says with a pouty face. "You know I love to snuggle, so you'll probably end up on the same side anyway." I remind him.

Later that night we slipped into bed. Thank god that Louis knows that I like to sleep in the nude and isn't worried or creeped out about it. "How bout that snuggling?" Louis asked. "I don't know. What about it? Did you want to snuggle tonight?" I ask "Well, DUH! You are my boyfriend, right?" "Yeah. I am glad to be. I have fought long and hard for you and nobody is taking you away from me now that I have you." I tell Louis, he sits back and listens and when I'm done he starts. "You see if anyone were to ever take me away from you or you away from me I would search the whole world to find you. The whole galaxy even because it would hurt me too much to be away from you. It took me too long to get up the courage to even talk to you two years ago. I refuse to miss another thing." "OOPS!" "What?" "You just read my mind, everything I've been hiding. I have wanted to talk to you for the longest time but have never had enough bravery to walk over to your beautiful shinning face and make real words." "Let's get some sleep. We have school tomorrow and not to mention that huge test." Louis says "About that snug---" Louis gently lays my head on his chest. He runs his fingers through my tangled messy hair until I fall asleep to his soft quiet breathing and the warmth of his arm around me. I have this feeling. A feeling of safety, like Louis has been here my whole life and I've never been without him. This feeling of fullness and love.

Love In Disguise... -Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now