It seemed okay. Until now.

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Hey again! This is Chapter 3 of the revised version of the story. I hope you enjoy!


Jason Grace 

'Okay. I don't know what Thalia was whining about. School isn't all that bad. Not counting the problematic things of course, like not being able to read, constantly fidgety, and the endless taunting.' Jason thought to himself, while walking down the halls of the high school, his father convienently shoved him into. Convienently, as in, forcefully, and against his will. It wasn't Jason's place to go order around his father anyway. So, he didn't have a choice. The first few weeks, were fine. It wasn't too bad. Until he started excelling in some classes that set the school's jockey boys on edge. Not only was Jason catching the eyes of all the girls in the school, he was also beating all of the school's athletes at their own game. 

"Hey, blondie sicko!" A low male voice called, effectively ringing down the hall. It was the school's playboy jock. Richard Grayson. (Funny story, if there are any DC fans out there, you'd get it. In the DC superhero world, Richard 'Dick' Grayson (First Robin) is the playboy. He currently has a long list of women he had dated, and 8 kids from different women. It's crazy. I don't  hate him, but he's got too many lovers.) Jason visibly sighed. Dealing with this idiot everyday, was a handful. Richard took that as a cowardly move. He laughed loudly. 

"Oh look, the loser is afraid us!" He exclaimed, pointing and laughing. The boys behind Richard, started snickering. "What do you want, lameo?" Jason asked, looking wearily at the Jock. Richard twisted his head back to the group of jock boys, and said loudly, "Did you heat that guys? The blondie freak asked me what I want!" A act of mocking. Richard turned back to Jason, and got up into Jason's face. "You know what I want? You to lose. To become a lowly servant to me." Jason rolled his eyes. "Richard, you can keep dreaming. Never in a million years is that going to happen." Richard raised his eyebrows, and his mouth curled into a smirk. 

"Okay," Richard paused. He grabbed Jason's shirt, lifted him up, and slammed Jason into a nearby wall. Jason didn't flinch, or even grunt. That didn't satisfy Richard. "I know you are a pathetic useless boy. I wouldn't even be surprised if you are one of those hybrid freaks." Reeling back a punch, Richard swung at Jason, who pushed Richard away, and dodged the punch. Unfortunately the movement caused his phone to fall out his pocket. Along with the picture of his friends, family, and girlfriend. 

Seeing it as a chance to dig dirt up on Jason, Richard bent down and picked up the precious picture, and looked at it. "These aren't your friends. There is no way pretty ladies, and those nice looking boys would ever be friend a four eyed freak like you." Jason narrowed his eyes, taking off his glasses. "I may be four eyed, I may be a loser to you. Those are my friends, family, and most importantly, girlfriend. I, am a hero. You, are nothing. Spoiled rich, pathetic." Jason scowled, before snatching the picture out of Richard's hand. He picked up his phone, and shoved it back into his pocket. Within moments, he was traveling down the hall, as if nothing happened. Seeing it was not worth their precious time, the Jocks didn't pursue him. 


Yet again, Jason was intercepted by the posse of Jocks. This time, Richard was boasting about himself. Jason listened, crossed arms, and resisted the urge to fry the Jock. "You, have no reason to talk to me that way, peasant. I am much higher then you in this world. My mother is a model, while my father is a lawyer." "Like I care, Richard." "I at least have parents. You're just a useless orphan." "If I was useless, then I wouldn't be excelling at your own game, would I?" That pushed Richard over the edge. Just as Richard was about to deliver another hit, a student ran into the room holding a remote control to a large screen in the hallway. "Hey, look what I saw on the news" The student exclaimed, turning on the screen. It was a live news report. Richard look at the screen intently. 

"Hello, welcome back to today's daily news. An important recent event has been pulled to our attention." Above the news woman, was a picture of a jailhouse, and three distinct faces along with several others that Jason recognized from both camps. "Ever since the Demigods, have revealed to be among us, we ruled them dangerous, and vowed to catch them to keep the general population safe, and out of harms way." The newest 'catches' were displayed across the screen. To Jason's horror, it was Ashley Grace, Lilac Gardner, Brandon Di' Angelo, and more of others. Richard widened his eyes, and turned to Jason.

"Those kids, they...they were in your called them are one of them." Jason's stomach churned. "Yes. Yes, I am among those that has saved your sorry butts, multiple times. As a thank you, we receive captivity, death, and torture." His glance darkened. Several students had their phones out, already dialing. "Don't bother." Jason said darkly. "I am the son of Jupiter. Step to me, and I'll see to the fact that every single one of you will be fried." He said, before summoning a small yet frightening gust of electrical wind. Using that as a momentary distraction, Jason turned and ran as if his life depended on it. Which, it kind of did. 

Jason's heart wrenched. His friends, everyone captured. No. It cannot be happening. These clueless humans must, must stop. This was injustice. It wasn't right. Without stopping, he bolted towards the nearest camp to his school. Camp Jupiter. The camp he grew up in. He'll have to get to Camp Half-Blood quickly, and inform Thalia, and others if they hadn't seen.


Chapter 3, done! Enjoy!

~Good Luck Demigods, AshleyGrace Zeus. 

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