A Crush On Luke? Nah.

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After I said my goodbyes to Luke, I sprinted up to my room to find both of the girls passed out on my bed. I then looked at my alarm clock. 10:46?! Did I really hang out with Luke that long? I was surprised that my mom wasn't home yet.

I then climbed into my bed and shoved Shelly over who was taking up 3/4 of the bed. I settled under the covers and went into deep thought. Was I really falling for Luke this quickly? I didn't have much knowledge in the relationship department, but that must have been flirting he was doing with me. I kept over-analyzing every little thing like some psychopath. I've never really hung out with an attractive boy one-on-one before and barely even paid close attention who was attractive and who wasn't. I just minded my own business in school during classes and tried to not get my head wrapped into an innocent little crush that most likely came associated with high school girls and boys.

With little knowledge of boys, I kept wondering if he was flirting with me intentionally or that's just the way he talked to every girl. Knowing that he had a semi-serious girlfriend, I quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of my head. Luke's girlfriend, Sasha, wasn't the nicest girl in school. If she found out that we even worked on a school project without anyone else at my house, she would definitely have something to say about that. I quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and tried to go to sleep.


I was awakened by the noises of fake airplane noises and little kids running around the house. I looked to my side where the girls were sleeping and found no one. Where were they? I looked on the floor to see that their bags were still there.

I then made my way downstairs towards the kids playroom to find toys scattered everywhere but no twin boys in sight. Where was everyone? I was then startled by immense amounts of screaming. I turned around to find Clara, Shelly, Henrich, and Charlie all aiming Nerf guns towards me.

"NOOO!" I screamed, trying to dodge all incoming bullets soaring in the air.

So, this was where everyone was, planning an attack against the sleep deprived. I sighed to myself and found everyone on the ground laughing hysterically. I spotted a Nerf gun and quickly lunged for it. I started shooting everyone rapidly and found them sitting up in shock.

"I win!" I shouted and laughed in everyone's faces.

"Come on kids! It's time for some breakfast!" Lucinda shouted from the kitchen. Everyone then sprinted towards the smell of Belgium waffles and freshly squeezed orange juice. I lunged for a bar stool seat and quickly grabbed some waffles and a glass of OJ.

When I finished my breakfast, I grabbed my friends and dragged them towards the living room and turned on the television.

"So...do you want to know what happened last night?" I said to both of the girls with a huge grin on my face.

"OH MY GOD. TELL ME. TELL ME. TELL ME-" Shelly screamed and squealed into my ears.

"Chill. Okay. So, last night was chill but...I don't know what to think. I mean-" I was quickly cut off by Clara.

"OMG. You are totally falling for this kid. You are so in love with him." Clara told me as she laughed, acting as if she was the Million Dollar Matchmaker.

"I am definitely not 'in love' with Luke. I just met him yesterday. We could never happen. Ever. I mean...he's dating Sasha, did you really believe that Luke would give up her for me? You are both crazy." I said to them. They both looked surprised and smiled at each other. What was going on? I felt like they were both thinking the same thing. It kind of scared me.

"Whatever you say, Ashley." Shelly smiled evilly at me. They didn't know what I was thinking and I wanted to keep them guessing. A small, innocent crush wasn't something to gush about. I didn't even know what Luke thought of me. For all we knew, he could not want anything to do with me besides finish our whole project.

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