Texan Friends

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**Ashley's POV**

Waking up couldn't be anymore painful. My whole body felt like it would break off into a million pieces and my brain was pounding against my head rapidly. I was confused because I barely had anything to drink. But, here I was, laying in my bed, with a nasty hangover.

As I was heading downstairs to get some Advil and a glass of water, I spotted all of the guys asleep in my living room. 

Entering the kitchen, I found Luke slaving away on some eggs and bacon. He was only in his light blue boxers, and I was enjoying the sight.

I walked over to the sliding glass door to peel back the curtains.

Holy shit.

The backyard was spotless. I couldn't even find one little piece of trash throughout my backyard. If I had never known that there was a party going on, I would've never found out.

"Did you do all of this?!' I exclaimed at Luke. He seemed to be startled by me because the egg that he was flipping in the air, dropped on the floor.

Clutching his chest, Luke spoke up, "Holy shit Ashley. I didn't even know you were there." I giggled at him, and I continued to search my backyard for any problems.

"Oh, the boys and I went all out last night when you went to bed. It was crazy. They weren't in the best shape to drive back to their apartment, so they crashed here. I hope that's okay with you."

I went over and hugged him. I couldn't even imagine how long it took everyone to clean up, especially Luke who was even up earlier and making breakfast.

"Thank you, for everything." He leaned down and kissed my forehead softly.

"Your welcome, Sugar." This made me smile.

"Yo yo yo. Break it up there. Let's keep it PG, 'kay kids." Brad walked into the kitchen, only in his boxers too. I gulped and turned my head away from his rippling eight pack before I got caught. I buried my head deeper in between Luke and I. I could hear his heart pounding and the rumbling of his chest when he spoke.

"Hey Brad, go put some clothes on, would you?" Luke spoke up. 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Brad soon then disappeared into the downstairs bathroom and started humming a weird song.

"So, what are you making Chef Luke."

"I am making some eggs and bacon," he answered. Pulling away from his grip, I spoke up.

"Hey, I'm going to clean up. Are we doing anything today?"

"I think were just going to hang out here for today. We've got to go to school tomorrow."

When I reached the kitchen, all the boys were sitting around the island, practically inhaling the food. I was guessing Luke was getting changed, so I grabbed a plate and shovelled some food on it. 

"Hey, is it okay if we hang out here for the day Tanner?" I nodded as I sat down next to Riley. 

-2 Days Later-

We reached the school with only five minutes left. 

As we parked, Luke spoke up, "Hey, are we still on for the beach?" I beamed him a hearty smile and replied.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Who's going to be at the concert?"

"Just some alternative bands," Luke pulled out the tickets and handed me one. This was a pretty good line-up.  

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