Before the Storm

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[It's slightly embarrassing how unpopular this story is lmao BUT "To Change a King" has reached 6,000 views!! So check that out!]

I paced all night in the darkness, thinking that every crunch of a leaf was one of Shireen's men come to seize me. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, so I never woke Arya for her watch. When she woke, I realized that was a bad decision.

"Morning? DAMN IT, EYAN! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME?!" Arya shoved me in the chest.

"Don't shout so loudly! They're still looking for me!" I whispered angrily. "I didn't wake you because there was no point. I'm too anxious to sleep."

Arya grabbed her small sword and stalked off. "I'm going to get breakfast," she called over her shoulder. "Be here when I get back or our deal is off."

Staying in the same place sounded like a terrible idea to me. "But Arya, we need to keep moving. Plus a fire would give us away. We can find food in Flea Bottom."

Arya crossed her arms. "I've been to Flea Bottom. You have no money, nothing of value, how are we to get breakfast in Flea Bottom?"

"I was raised a Prince. You're a thief. We have our ways. Now pack up and let's go. It's a long walk from the Kingswood to Flea Bottom." Arya huffed and punched me in the arm.

"Don't get all bossy with me, Prince. I know who you are and could easily drag you back to your - what is she to you? Your second cousin? Ah who knows, you Baratheons are a lengthy bunch. Or should I say were a lengthy bunch. There's not many of you anymore." She was beginning to test my patience.

"You talk too much," I grumbled. "Just start walking south."

"'Just start walking south'" Arya mocked me. "I'm Sir Prince Baratheon and I was born to give orders."

"Shut up. And I'm not a Sir. Keep walking." She was going to make this the longest walk in history.

"The walk will go by faster if we talk. We're both runaways with significantly dead families, we've got loads to talk about!"

I stopped short. "How can you joke about your family like that?"

For a moment, Arya's tough demeanor quavered. "Because if I don't laugh about it, it will consume me even more than it already has. Now who needs to keep walking?"

We trudged on in awkward silence for a time. We broke the silence simultaneously.

"I'm sorry."

"I need food."

"Arya, I told you, we can't risk making a fire."

"There's no we in this, Eyan. You can't risk making a fire. I can."

"What are you saying?"

The fire returned to Arya's eyes. "We'll split up. You continue on to Flea Bottom and I'll lead them away from you by starting a fire. No one in Shireen's camp saw me, so they'll think it's you. I'll meet you at Flea Bottom, if you'll wait for me that is."

"But Arya, how will you get away? Shireen will kill you just so you can't tell anyone you saw her. Trust me, you don't want to do this."

Arya sighed. Then she did something very strange. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. When she let go, she said, "Eyan, trust me, I do. I've only known you a day but I know you have what it takes to be the best King the Seven Kingdoms needs. Wait for me at Flea Bottom. I'll send a signal to let you know if I... well... survive. Good luck to you, Prince."

And before I could stop her or even respond, she darted off into the bushes. Definitely wolf blood.

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