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I walked the streets of Flea Bottom searching for a place to meet Arya. I didn't want to meet in a dirty brothel where she could get hurt, but Arya was very strong and could defend herself.

It wasn't long before I found a brothel that looked safe enough. I entered cautiously. I'd seen my fair share of whores while on the run, but that didn't mean I was interested in them. I hoped Arya wouldn't be offended that I chose to meet her here.

Thankfully I had been gone long enough that no one recognized the curly-haired boy with a permanent smirk. I didn't recognize anyone either until I felt the hairs on my neck rise as though I were being watched. I peered into the shadows and saw a fat, bald man with an incredibly short man. They could be no other than my father's uncle Tyrion and the eunuch, Varys. I immediately regretted not stealing a hooded cape of some sort. I turned my head to the ground and prayed they would not recognize me. It would not be proper for the long lost Prince of the Seven Kingdoms to be found in a brothel.

The door opened and there stood Arya, breathless and disheveled, but still beautiful. I didn't want to call out her name for fear of someone knowing who she was. She must have seen her wolf outside and known I was here.

She knew that calling out my name would be a bad idea as well. I walked to her and decided it would be best to pretend she was my lover. I grabbed her waist and for a moment I saw her eyes grow wide and indignant until she understood what I was doing. She put on a flirtatious smile and draped herself around me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me from the brothel. I looked back in time to see Tyrion and Varys get up to leave.

I gently shoved Arya into an alley and pressed her against the building. "We're being followed," I whispered. "We need to get to the Red Keep as fast as we can."

"Okay," she breathed shakily. "But Eyan, they've seen our clothes, we'll have to get new ones. I wouldn't want them to think the future King of Westeros was getting frisky in a brothel," she poked me in the side.

She laughed and I was scared that it would alert Varys and Tyrion so I quieted her in the only way I thought. I kissed her.

And if that wasn't strange enough, she responded by wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me back. But she immediately pushed me away. "We don't have time for this, we have to go!" Arya grabbed my hand and yanked me along as we ran towards the Red Keep.

I turned towards the Kingswood to see the first of Shireen's troops emerge from the forest. "Arya!" I yelled.

"Yeah I know, keep running! We're almost there!"

"But how will we get past the guards?"

"I don't know, you're Eyan Baratheon, figure something out!" As soon as the words left her mouth, someone burst from the shadows and grabbed us both. Before we could fight back, our heads hit a wall and everything went black.

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