Stolen kiss!

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I didn't know I had been staring..
"Hey" oh! " hi". Really? That was the best you could do, I told myself.
"I saw you when you entered and I just had to come meet you. You, are really pretty." Me?
"And, I'm Devon. May I know your name?". Is he actually talking to me? I mean, I wanted a cute guy and all, but, did I really get it? I think I got him! I thought, with me jumping in my head..
" I'm Val." Is that really..? "Sorry what?" I wasn't even listening.
"I said you look really pretty, even without make-up. You're all natural and still so beautiful. My eyes hurt from looking at all those girls before you walked in." He says, making a wave of his hand to a girl cluster not far from us. I personally thought they were beautiful though.
" And you're busty with.." He says winking. WHAT! Wait, I know i'm a size C cup, if that's being busty,but he's got some guts telling me like that. I mean, duh! I'm not blind, I carry it about. All these goes through my head, and guess what I could say?
"Woah!" With an amused face. Really? What's wrong with me, I feel brainless, I can't even think of anything to say. He's got guts! And fortunately for him, I'm in a good mood. Or let's just say, I like guys with guts. Bad boy spec, I know.. Don't judge me yet okay? Just look, he's tall, and handsome, and a baskatballer! Who doesn't want that? Even if I dunno shit about basketball, I v to be a fan now. Call me desperate, I don't care!.
Wait, what? all these has been going through my head in less than a minute! I only realised when he asked me to dance. I thought I had been there for ages.
" uhhm, no. I.. don't dance."
" C'mon, don't be shy. I'll teach you."
"No, really, I don't . Thank you" see me forming I don't care. If only!..
" Are you normally like this, or you just don't wanna talk to me?. Cos you seem to be a really cool person ." Honestly, cool? who says I'm cool? I think, boring, would do better.
" Sorry, I'm normally quiet."
" Oh.. So that means you wouldn't dance with me? I actually left my friends to come talk to you." He says, pointing to a group of relatively tall guys-but none as tall as him though, playing with a basketball and dancing.
" oh! don't worry, really, you don't have to stand here with me, you can go have fun with them."
" I can't leave you here you know. Did you come alone?" He asked.
" No, I came with a friend, who seems to have disappeared into thin air at the moment." I say, looking up to catch a glimpse of his face. I swear, I've never had to stretch that far.
" Would you care to be my date tonight?" Wow! Just like that?
" Sorry but, you don't even know me??" I asked confused.
" I know, and you don't know me too. But like i said earlier, I feel you're a cool person to hangout with." Na so.. " Will you?"
" Okay." Having no inkling of what being his date encompasses. Or, I should have asked. " Alright." He says with a smile. " shall we?". I follow him to where his group of friends are and he introduces me to his friends, most of whose names' I don't remember, except for his cousin who was part of the make-up, Kevin. I must admit, they were really fun. I was laughing my ass out the whole time. Apparently,Devon's other qualities were not enough, he just had to be funny and know how to dance. God, why? Can he be any perfect? And oh Lord can you.. ZIP! Wait!, what's happening? Before my mind could register, he had ended the kiss!!

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