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It took a moment before my mind could register, I had been kissed. 'He had kissed me', I stated in my head. And to my dismay, I wasn't angry, neither did I feel a urge to slap him across the face. I was..pleased? I looked up at him in wonder, only for find him already smirking down at me, and his cluster of friends laughing. What hold does this guy have on me? I just met him! Isn't that enough reason to freak out!? But no. I was liking it and secretly wanted him to kiss me again.
"What was that for?" I said, confused. "I dunno, your lips are hard to ignore. You were pouting the whole time, and I couldn't resist." He said. "And besides, you're my date tonight and I wanted to make that clear ."
"And why is that?" What point was he trying to prove? I didn't even know him, and he was already sounding like a jealous boyfriend. Isn't tonight just fun?!
"Didn't you notice the way my friends have been looking at you?" He said, his voice slightly hinting, jealousy? Man, you need to get a grip on yourself. I ain't your girlfriend, I think. OK, I have to admit, I do wish he was. My boyfriend. There was an unexplainable attraction between us, it was as if I had known him for years. And in that moment, I realized I had unconsciously rested my back on his chest. And he in turn, not slacking had his hands around my waist. In that one perfect moment, nothing else mattered. Not even my looming exams in two weeks. It was like we were alone in the world.
Just when I taught it couldn't get any better, he bent his head forward towards my face, because he was so tall and I was backing him; and kissed my forehead. That was what he took. He got me. That very moment defined this person, and I never wanted to be anywhere else. Closing my eyes and smiling, I open my eyes to meet Cara's amused ones. She smiled a you-bitch-really ?look. She had witnessed everything . And I knew I was not going to hear the last of it...
Eventually, the party ended and we had to leave for our various hostels. During the few conversations we had, I learned he was not even in my school. He was in a nearby campus, not far from my school and he had only come to play B.ball. Before deciding to attend the party.
Well...what now? I asked in my head as he escorted me to my hostel." It was really fun with you" He said, breaking the silence. " I had fun too. Thanks for making my night." I replied
We got to my hostel and he asked me to walk him to my school gate, which also happens to be a five minute walk from my hostel. His friends were long gone, leaving him behind, and I smiled as walked, I didn't want to say goodnight soon too. We got to the gate and we faced each other to say our good nights.
"So, I guess this is it." He stated
"Yeah, I guess.." I answered
"So, how do I let you know I reached safely?" I smiled despite myself, how cheeky..
"Are you asking for my phone number right now?"
"Hmmn, I guess?" He answered smiling. "Since you wouldn't be caring enough to ask for mine?" Really? I eyed him as I called him my number.
It was like neither of was ready to leave the others' sight. We were glued to a spot, staring at each other. He leaned in then to give me a hug, and I almost returned it, but I was stopped short as my head kicked in. He sensed my withdrawal and asked why I held back. The answer, I didn't even know. I guess I was scared. We had hit it off to fast. And the kiss, it all added to the complicated situation. I felt at war within me. A part of me wanted to be chaste, but another part of me wanted to loosen up and warm up to him. What to do? I already liked him. And what if it was just me? Did he even feel it too? Or was he making me believe he did?. Or maybe I was just guilty and refused to acknowledge it because I was still dating Larry. And even if what I and Larry had couldn't really be called a relationship, I still felt a pang of guilt. I was supposed to be faithful for God's sake, and here my heart was, already throwing caution to the wind in less then two hours of meeting this guy. If that's not freaky, I dunno what is?
After a while, he saw I wasn't going to do or say anything and the hurt was evident in his eyes. Before I could even say a word, he was already walking out the gate.. And I couldn't help the sick feeling at the pit if my stomach..

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