I'm annoying, I know.

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My night wasn't fine. Thank you. I had to endure that numb walk to my hostel after we parted, or rather, after he got angry and left. I couldn't sleep. And I didn't wake well either. Why? cos Larry called, after two weeks! He just had to chose this morning out of all my happy days. And the most annoying part is, he woke me from my sleep.
I heard my phone ring when I was just trying to sleep, literally.. Whoever that is, I groan in my mind, is done for.
"Hello?" I answer with the angriest voice I could come up with.
"Babe, watsup?" Who d f**k is this? I took a look at my phone screen. I think it was then I knew my day was not gonna go smoothly. Watsup uhn? He called to ask me that? At what? I look into my phone screen again to check the time ,07:16! Oh, we're sooo done!
"Are you kidding? Watsup? You wake me at 07:16 on a Wednesday morning to ask me that?"
"C'mon, why are you angry. How was your..?" That could go to hell
"Why I'm I angry?!" I was fuming! I could see the smoke from my ears and nostrils now.
"You haven't cared to call me for what, two weeks!. As if that weren't enough, you switched off your phone the whole time! And now what? You wake me from sleep at 07:16 in the morning asking me watsup!?. Yeah, you just made my day!". Ask me why I was that specific with time? I needed fuel for my anger furnace. And I got it. My class wasn't until 10 o'clock!
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't know I woke you. How was your night?" What!, I didn't even deserve an apology? Was he even listening to me? This is it. We're done.
"Is that what you're gonna say to me? We're you listening at all. You switched off your phone for two weeks Larry. Not even a heads up, not a text, you couldn't even.. What happened!?"
"I'm sorry baby, its just that I travelled to Port novo and I wasn't with my phone." Where underneath earth is that?
"Oh, the last time, you lost your phone and had to collect my number from our mutual friend after two months! Now it's Port Novo. Why are you back so soon?" I'm I overreacting? cos at the end of the day, he's still my boyfriend. Although annoying as hell, I can't will these feelings to just disappear. Not that there's much of them left though.
"Baby I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I won't do it again."
"Larry no. You said that the last time. You never care. Do you even love me? I feel like I'm the only one in this relationship." But then its no more a relationship right?, its a one-man ship.
"Baby I'm sorry. I swear, I promise you, it won't happen again." Who am I kidding?
"Larry, I think we need a break" more like I need a break. "I don't know what I feel anymore. You make it all so confusing. I just.. I can't do this anymore." I met someone else. What? When? Devon. Nope. I have no feeling for him whatsoever, not an iota.
Really, so why were you tossing and turning throughout the night? I need a mind sanitizer right now. Cos it happens. I was stressed. Exams and all..
If you say so...
Arrrrrgggh, can we just get back to what's on ground. Is he still on the phone?
"Baby, did you hear me?" Apparently not. "Look, Larry, I, need a break. I need to sort out my feelings for you, or lack of them. Can you call me sometime maybe? Later?"
"Baby I said I'm sorry. OK, as from now on, I'll tell you when I'm travelling." Oh maybe he could go to hell for all I care. Seriously, aren't guyz wise enough to say 'ok' when necessary, cos I'm really pissed.
"Larry get off the phone. I wanna get back to sleep." I wasn't waiting to hear another please, I hung up. Somebody remind me how I fell in love with him. Oh yeah, I remember. When I didn't listen to my mum when she told me not to give any guy my number. Its all fucked.
I couldn't even go back to sleep. My eyes were clear and my noisy roommates had already started the torture. I look up to heavens, 'why can't I get my wish?' I want everyone mute! Just this morning. Just this once Lord, please? Of course not. I might as well take a shower, see if I can erase the last twelve hours from my memory.
But that wasn't gonna happen. Not until I saw a chat notification:
"Morning Val"
You don't have to tell me, I know its him. And those twelve hours, the ones I was tryna forget yeah? They came back with full force..
What should I do? Answer now, or wait till later? I don't wanna look desperate, or snubbish if i don't reply on time..oh I don't care anymore.
"Hi, good morning." I replied.
"Good morning beautiful, how was your night?"
"Twas nice thank you. Yours?"
"OK. Didn't get much sleep though, I had to wake up during the night to read. Exams are on." Oh poor baby... And we chatted till I had only thirty minutes left to bathe and get to class. This is going to be the shortest bathing in the world's history.
I had, one of the most annoying days of my life. An impromptu test! One of the perks of studying Language. Yeah, I just knew my day was not gonna go so smoothly after..I don't even want to think about it. I need to sleep.
I don't know how many hours I slept for, but I knew it was long. I woke up to see a message from Devon, asking if I was going for tonight's party. Hall week's running through the whole week.
And I kind of pissed him off again.
Look, its not my fault. I really don't know what I said to annoy him, or I'm just so good at it. OK, I think I do. I told him I wasn't going cos I didn't want yesterday to repeat itself! It wasn't too much, was it? You see, it really wasn't. Guys and anger.
I ended up at the party later in the evening, purposeless. With no Cara, sly's with boyfriend again; no Devon, or anyone close to him. Nope. I wasn't getting lucky tonight. Why am I here? I ask myself. I don't know. But I ended up dancing after a cup of punch. And meeting a guy whose name I can't even remember. Admittedly fine, but not even close to being a replacement for Devon. I'm outa here.
I have a feeling my night's gonna go well. I feel feelingless. Yeah,I coined that. I'm numb from alcohol. Not much. Don't start thinking of me as a drunk. I changed. Later in the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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