Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I was laying on the couch when Dandelion entered, looking stressed as hell, I quickly got up a ran to her, I felt bad for my little sister.

"Hey you ok?" I asked worry clear in my features. She nodded her head.

"Ya fine, I found a job, it's for a rich family east of the town. The oldest daughter Sofie Daniels is a fucking bitch." She said pissed as ever now.

"Why? What'd she do?" I asked already hating the girl, we may be the richest people in town, well out of town in the forest, but we are not spoiled bitches like this Sofie Daniels, girl.

"Well I was walking her up to her room, and she shoved my hand away roughly and well technically hissed for me to leave, all Isis was be nice. Later I made them supper and she said it tasted horrible." She almost cried, thats not kind at all, my sisters a professional cook.

She cooks for my tribe, which I'm the chief of, btw. And they love it. I have a huge wall surrounding my tribe who all live in this mansion, it's kinda more like a pack because everyone besides me, even Dandelion is a werewolve.

I hope my 'mate' is a strong and kind person, mostly the opposite of Sofie. I want a kind one to help me run this tribe/pack. But hey I get what I get.

"Hey uh Shane, you there, or did I lose you?" Dandelion asked me.

"Huh oh ya what were you saying?" I ask/answer her.

"I was talking abou-"

"Alpha, there's an attack." I hear Ashwanda, a pack member say, she was oriental, half black, half white. She was quite pretty actually, not that I like her.

She had an Afros, light but still dark skin, dark brown eyes. And stood about 5"5", Dandelions hight, they were the same age to, Ash already found her mate, my best fighter, Andrew Wolf.

Andrew was black, he had black hair, black skin, and blackish brown eyes. He stood about 5"7". And was very fit. We fight together all the time.

"Where's Andrew, get him to call the guards I'll call Mason, and Daisy. (My beta and Delta). Ash just nodded to me before running upstairs, I mind linked to everyone.

'We're being attacked' I shouted throught mindlink, 'every guard, soldier, and high rank besides Mason and Daisy go fight.

Mason and Daisy get the females, kids, crippled, and elders to safety, if you are a male and have family choose weather to fight or hide with the unabled. GO NOW!' I use my alpha tone at the end before running to the attack.

The fight was with my worst enimies, the blue moon pack, my pack is called the Blood moon pack.  They were a weak pack and so was there alpha.


I killed three men at once and ran to the Alpha, Chris and lunged at him ripping his neck apart making him fall to the ground like a rag doll. After that his pack retreated.

We lost three mated men, four unmated men, and two guards. I could hear the cries of the mates to the three good men. One named Janus, had four kids, his mate, and his parents weeping over him.

I hated when my pack members die, especially the mated ones and the guards. They were most important, the unmated men that died mates would never ever meet them.

"I wonder if our mates dead somewhere," I said to my inner wolf.

"She's not, I can feel her presents in Fort Qu'apple." He said truthfully.

"Really? Will I meet her at school?" I asked, my wolf nodded and I couldn't help but smirk, perfect.


Hey ppl, hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's boring but the next one will be better, promise.

Pic of Shane\ Stryker, his house, Dandelion, and Sofie's house. I'll put Sofie's room up with them once I find it.

Luv ya

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