summer is love (:

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the summer i spent with my gradparents...

''Daisy....daisy.....DAISY!!!! Take out your music just for a second! DAISY!" MY mom said YELLING at me trying to get through the music i was listening to.

"huh.." i said taking out my ear phones.

"You know you cant listen to that the whole summer." my mom said trying to make a piont.

"well what do you think i should do then huh huh.. ya im going to listen to my music when i want to ok!"i said puttimng back myy ear phones in and cranking the music higher.

i fell asleep under the window with the sun shinning in my face. the day grew longer and the night sky got darker. i had a dream that i was somewhere different i wasnt even on this earth, it was like my on land.... when my mom woke me up when her bubbleness that was to much for me.

"omg.. im going to hate summer." i said under my breath while putting my blanket over my face and turning over.

"oh come on have a little light in your summer, get up and go get ready for bed, we have a long day tomarrow so go go dont let the bed bugs bite and if they don smack them with a shoe till they turn black and blue.

at that time i was 16 years old, i had brown hair, green eyes, fair shin, rose colored lips, and dark eye lashes. i had a boyfriend and we dated for about 1 year, until he broke up with me becaue i wouldnt give all my sugar away (not have sex with him)i dont know why i just didnt want my first to be with a boy that i was dating and not sure if he was the guy i wanted to give it to.


coka dootal dooo....

"oh god." i said rolling over and putting the pillow over my face and pulling the covers over too.

as you can see im not a morning person, im more stay out late and sleep in late kinda person.

"knock.....knock..." my mom said instead of really knocking.

"you have to wake up, dont want to be late for breakfast now do you?'' my mom said walking out the dooor with too much pep in her step.

well if im going to be here all summer i have to act like im having fun until y parents leave toi visit my brother in new york and leave me here with the grand as in (old) parents.

grandma Ann, was the cutest thing ever she never knew if anything was up and i dont think she cared, my papa on the other hand knew if something was fishy but he never did anything about it, which that made my grandmother my favorite.

"sugar plum!!!" said grandma Ann in her sweat old voice.

"YES!" i said while running down the stairsand swinging into  the kicten to see her by the stove in her slippers.

"can you get the sugar? i dont know why but its either the cabnits are growig or im shrinking.... well i dont know ill have to talk to pa about it." grandma Ann said.

"ya, well i geuss that is a problem then."i said trying to play alone with her.

"honey were leaving to go visit your brother, see you wheen we get back! love you!!!" my mom said driving off.

"love you too." i said softly so they didnt hear me.

"grandma i think ill go to the store and get some flowers for my room is that was ok.'' i asked.

"oh that will be fine just be safe and make good chioces." grandma Ann said.

i walked into the garage and saw a cute bike, i hopped on and rode off i tried to fix my bag while riding and i hit a young boys bike while it was in the bike rack. i fell over and moaned on the grownd in pain.

"wow are you ok? looks like you took a big fall." a young man (owner of the bike i ran into to) said to me. he had brown hair, blue eeyes and what looked like a sexy bodie.

"ya im fine, thanks though." i said srugging him off and not even noitcing his hotness.

"hey, are you from around here iv never seen you around?" he said

" no im here visiting the grand parents. you?'' i said now seeing how cute he was.

"i live over the bend and by the creek. oh sry im 16 and my name is jack, yours?"he said

"oh im Daisy and im also 16." i said in amazment on how much we were alike.

"hey do you want to hang out some time maybe?" jack said...

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