Chapter 15: Just A Coincidence

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Please go pray if you haven't already!

The weekend at Ammi and Baba's house had gone by quickly, and before I knew it, I was staring at my closet confused with what I should pack for the honeymoon. Izhar hadn't dropped one clue, and it was driving me insane. I didn't know what to pack, and what I'd need other than the bare necessities like my toiletries. I huffed in annoyance and sat on the love seat in the middle of the walk-in closet and looked at my empty luggage and bags.

As I surveyed every article of clothing I had hanging in the many sections on my side of the closet, I thought about what I hadn't done yet with my husband. Even though, we were getting closer to each other day by day, and I found it easier to touch him and for him to touch me, I was still scared about that. I knew I had to do it, and I tried preparing myself. However, it left me shaken and completely distraught.

I got up and sought out one of the small black lacy night gowns from one of the drawers. I thought about myself in it, and a blush instantly coated my cheeks. There was a soft knock on the door, and as I turned around, Izhar opened one of the french doors and walked in.

"Darling? What are you doing?" he asked.

I hid my hands behind my back and leaned against the drawer, shutting it closed with my hip. I looked around as I tried to compose myself and Izhar walked to me. He glanced at my unpacked bags with a small smile and ran a hand though his hair. As he stretched his hand, there was a flash of exposed hard skin above his black joggers where the fitted grey v-neck t-shirt ended.

As he got closer to me, he pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms low on my waist. I prayed to Allah he didn't touch my hands and tightened my hold on the black chemise. His wedding band felt cool against the royal blue silk robe I was wearing. He tilted his head towards the side of my face, and his short beard rubbed against my cheekbone.

"Having trouble packing?" he asked.

His lips trailed a hot path from the edge of my mouth to my jawline and then to my ear. I slightly lowered my eyes and tried controlling my shaky voice.

"Maybe if you told me where we were going it'd be easier for me to do so," I replied.

We only had about a week left and the closer the time came, the more nervous and frustrated I got.

Izhar moved his hands from the dip in my back to my hips and pulled away. He leaned his forehead to the side of my head, kissed my hair and said. "Where's the fun in that?"

"I have less than seven days to pack!" I slightly pulled away from him and glared into his prodding eyes. They left me breathless each time, and I knew it was a big mistake to look in them when I was arguing with him.

He bent his head down to my eye level and said, "I have an idea."

"Which is?" I asked cautiously.

"Since, you're working till the morning of when we leave, how about you ask someone to pack for you? You can ask Sabr, Mama, or Bhabi. It'd be so much easier on you, and plus unlike you, they know where we are going!"

"They did offer, but I denied them since I don't want them to worry about packing my bags for me. If you had dropped a hint, then my life would be a lot easier," I peered into his eyes.

He laughed and pulled me back to him. Our eyes locked with each other's as my breath hitched. "I'm sure they'd love to."

After thinking about it, I finally gave in. It would save me so much of a headache, and they knew what I'd need. I pulled out of Izhar's embrace and walked in front of him to move my bags out of the closet and into our bedroom so that I could drop them off at Mama's. As I walked towards the cream leather chaise lounge, Izhar grabbed my arm from behind and walked towards me.

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