• Mad •

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Have you ever had one of those days, where you wake up, and your stomach hurts.

Not from cramps or sickness.

There is just so much on the line,

So much stress,

It physically hurts you.

You can tell it was going to be a bad day.

Well, today is one of those days.

I rolled out of bed, changing into some huge basketball shorts and a tank top.

I left my hair in a low, messy bun, and headed down stairs.

I thought maybe I could have a good, healthy breakfast, to get my mind off things.

I opened the fridge and grabbed strawberries, blue berries, and pine apple. I chopped it all up, and put it into a bowl.

Next I got out my waffle maker, to make hamburgers.

Just kidding. I made waffles. Duh.

I sprinkled some powdered sugar on both the fruit and waffle, and dug in.

I had finished the meal, and was drinking some milk when suddenly a hand flew down on the table beside me, slamming down a piece of paper.

I jumped and tried my hardest to keep the fluids in my mouth, I swallowed hard and fast, to turn and face Mike.

He released his hand and crossed his arms. His eyes were blood shot, I thought they were going to pop out of his head. His face was red, and a vein on the right side of his forehead was visible.

I had many questions, like why he wasn't at work, and what all the commotion was about, but couldn't find the guts to ask.

"Where's the money." I could tell he was holding back a meltdown.

I gulped, and looked around, confused. I definitely didn't want to reply "what are you talking about" unless I wanted to be back handed across the room.

My eyes found the piece of paper.

It was a bill. An Internet bill.

It explained that we had gone over our ban-width, and we owe over $50.

I flash backed to his exact words.

"If we go over, you're paying!"

I gulped hard once more.

"I-I don't have any..." That was a lie, but I had better things to spend it on.

He rubbed his face, stretching his under eyes.

"What about that restaurant thing you call a job..? What about that, huh? Do you even get paid?" He was about to lose his shit if I didn't satisfy him.

I was terrified, but it didn't make sense to lie, because if he finds out that I was lying, the consequences could be much worse.

"The place closed down... I got let go..." I went between looking down and at him.

He inhaled.

"Are you... Are you fucking kidding me? AND WHEN WERE YOU PLANNING ON TELLING ME?" He ran his hands through his hair and threw the pen that he was holding across the room.

I held back tears, trying to look as tough as possible.

I just looked down, knowing it was a rhetorical question.

"God... Okay... Okay, whatever. You'll get your education, get an ACTUAL job, and get the fuck out of here..." He paced back and forth, as if talking to himself.

"Have you heard back from any schools?" He paused and cocked his head towards me.

I felt my stomach do a summer salt and my legs tensed. My palms became sweaty, and I played with my fingers. I tried my hardest to stop my lip from quivering.

I gulped, and that's how he knew.

"You must be kidding." He laughed like a mad man.

"You're joking!" He leaned on the table, his laugh fading.

I slid back in my chair, slightly concerned.

"So you're serious...?" He nodded, accepting it. He strolled towards a counter, and stopped in front of it.

There was a pause. Everything stood still, as if time stopped, just long enough for me to think.

"What the fuck-"

Suddenly his arms flew at the counter, he wiped the counter clear of whatever was on top. Papers, pens, vases, cups flew across the room, smashing against the wall.

I stood up fast, staying out of his way.

I felt my heart rate pick up, and could feel it pounding against my ribcage.

He continued going around the room, trashing the place, throwing plates and condiments. The more he threw the more I realized Mike has lost his sanity.

Suddenly he paused once more.

He was panting. I could tell his face was red, even with his back turned to me. I could feel the vibes pulsing off of him. The warmth from the fire in his eyes. I felt that if he were to turn around, he could melt me.

I backed into the corner, making my self as invisible as possible.

He slowly turned around to me, every vein in his body popping out of his skin. His eyes were about to explode.

He gritted his teeth at me, and I stood there, as still as stone, eyes wide, not wanting to lose sight of him.

At this point, he was unpredictable.


So this book is super short. Especially compared to my other one.

The next chapter may be my last chapter. Whoaaaaa.

So yeah



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