Final concert

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Chapter 8- final concert

12 weeks later- September 13th

"All I know is I'm lost without you I'm not gonna lie,
How am I going to be strong without you I need you by my side,
If we ever say we'll never be together and we ended with goodbye don't know what I'd do ...I'm,
lost without you,
I keep trying to find my way but all I know is I'm lost without you,
I keep trying to face the day I'm lost without you..."

Nina sings to the hundreds of dedicated fans that had turned up to watch her preform live. Tonight was the last concert of her Australian tour and she had loved preforming every single show. As Nina finished the song the audience claps and cheers for her. She gives them a huge smile, "I'm lost without you all, I really am," she says. "We've reached half way through our show." She tells them, not wanting the night to end. "It's time for a short break, but I'll see 6 of you lovely people up here soon and I'll see the rest of you in here," She smiles at them before leaving the stage. She had decided to allow six amazing people up on stage with her. She'd have them all but it would be a bit crowded.

She walk down the narrow corridor when she hears two voice's, "I think the toilet is this way Mackenzie." One voice says, Nina could tell that the girls were clearly lost.

"I'm not sure Chloe..." The other girl replied unconvinced by her friends decision to come this way. Nina decides to go and see the girls and give them a helping hand.

"Hi," she smiles to both of them. They look like they are about to freak out. "Oh my god, oh my god it's Nina, it's Nina Tucker!" One of them says, both girls eyes were practically popping out of their head.

"Yeah Chloe, I can see that," The other girl replies, trying to keep her cool, but failing in every way possible.

"Are you looking for the bathroom?" She asks them and they both nod their heads.

"Well, I'm not sure where the main one is, but my dressing room bathroom is just a few door's down. I can take you if you want?" She offers, it was really a silly question to ask, 'I'll take you if you want?' Of course their going to want Nina to take them, they won't know where it is.

"Oh, yes please! I've been holding on for like an hour," The girl says relieved and Nina gives a small chuckle.

"What were your names?" She ask them as we walk to the bathroom.

"Um, I'm Chloe and this is Mackenzie," Chloe says to me.

"Oh well, Chloe, Mackenzie, pleased to meet you," Nina smiles to them both. She opens the dressing room door and they all enter. She then points Chloe to the direction of the bathroom.

"We're like your biggest fan's! You have no idea how excited we are to meet you. I mean if we die tomorrow in a freak accident, we'll both die happy," Mackenzie blurts out. Nina gives a small chuckle.

"Oh trust me, I know exactly how excited you are to meet me, your eyes are practically popping out of your head," She tells Mackenzie just as Chloe walks out of the bathroom.

"Would you girls like a picture?" She asks them.

"We would love one!" both girls say.

Mackenzie hands Nina her phone and she take a few 'selfies' for them and she also takes some on her phone. Nina loved keeping all the memories she created with fans.

"Thank you so much Nina," Both girls say in sync. Nina gives both girls a hug.

"How would you like to come on stage?" She asks them.

"Oh my god! We'd love that!" Chloe says excitedly.

"Well, once intermission is over, meet Richard down at the entrance to the stage where all the other lucky people will be. I'll let him know that you'll be joining them with me up on stage," She tells them,"alright, I better get into my costume and make it to hair and makeup. If I take much longer they will think I'm lost. I'll show you out first though," She tells them still smiling.


Back up on stage

Nina is standing back on the stage. She's about to sing some song's to the lucky six people, well now it's eight. It's the best seat in the house. Everybody has a soft cushion to sit on and her three amazing back up singers get a long black seat to sit on. Her piano is at the top end of the circle connecting one side to the other. There was a seat In-front of it so Nina could sit there once she'd sung her first song.

"Richard, could you help my beautiful friends up onto the stage now please?" She ask Richard ever so kindly and he playfully agrees. As they walk onto the stage she asks each of them their names and give them a hug. They all look so excited to be here. Once every one is seated Nina takes a seat at her Piano. "Alright, welcome everybody, welcome to my living room," She says. She often called any space with a Piano in it her 'living room.' "Now we're going to sing a song that is very close to my heart, and it's called 'wish you were here,'" The audience all clap and cheer and she begins playing the song,

'I've been knock, knock, knocking at the thought of your door
But you're not, not, not here anymore
I ring, ring, ring - you're every thought in my head
But I can't get through, the connection is dead.....'

She continues to play the rest of her heart felt song, but struggles to do so without crying. Once it's over she get a massive applause from the audience. The rest of the night goes off without a hitch. Tonight was one of her best shows ever, and she sad to see it come to an end. But all good things eventfully had to come to an end and she wasn't sure how much longer she could of sung for tonight considering she was now 6 and a half months pregnant.

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