Tragidy strikes

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Chapter nine- tragedy strikes

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One week later- September 21st

Nina and Jack were now back in Errinsbrough. The couple were pleased to be back home and were busy moving into their new home. Well it was in actual fact Nina's old home. Today the pair had Nina's 27 week ultrasound. They had decided to find out the gender of the babies so they could learn as much about them as possible before awaiting their arrival. Once they knew the gender they would start picking out baby names. They had thought about picking names before they knew the gender but they ended up deciding against it.

"Are you ready?" Jack asks as she grabs Nina's hand as they walk into the hospital. They would go up to the third floor.

"I am more then ready. I've wanted to know the gender of our babies since the day I found out I was pregnant. I think they're girls. What do you think they are," Nina says.

"Boys," Jack says. "They Have to be boys," he continues.

"No, they're going to be girls," Nina replies assertively.

"What makes you so sure?" Jack asks.

"For a start they're in my body so I think I'd know," Nina says as they walk over to the reception desk and check in for the appointment. They go over and sit down in the waiting area. There was two other couples in the area. One middle aged couple and another couple that looked a few years older then Jack and Nina did. "Here they're kicking like crazy," Nina smiles as she places Jack's hand on her stomach.

"Wow, it's like they're playing soccer," Jack says.

"Well they need to stop using mummy's bladder as a goal. It's not what my bladders there for," Nina replies.

"Maybe they're going to be famous soccer players," Jack says.

"Well then they can at least wait until they're born to start to play," Nina grins.

"Nina Tucker," A woman says.

Jack and Nina get up and follow the lady to the exam room. Nina changes into a gown and then lays down on the exam room and gets ready for the scan.

"Okay Nina, this is going to feel a little cold," she says. Nina nods her head and the lady begins the scan. "Would you like to know the genders?" She asks.

"Oh yes please," Nina smiles.

"You're having two baby girls," she smiles. Nina and Jack look at each other and they kiss. Nina watches the lady's facial expression as it turns from happiness to sadness. She prints a scan before she turns the machine off abruptly.

"What? What's wrong?" Nina asks panicking.

"What is it?" Jack asks.

"What's wrong!" Nina says.

"Just relax. I'll be back in a moment," she says. She picks up the scan she printed and she leaves the room only to return about ten minutes later. "Please, if you'd get dressed and meet me in my consult room next door," she says. Nina gets up and put her normal cloths back on before going next door with Jack.

"What is it? Is there something wrong with our babies?" Jack asks.

"Baby number two has Anencephaly. It's a condition in witch the baby has developed without major portions of the brain, skull and scalp," she says.

Nina falls back in her chair and reaches for Jack's hand and holds it tightly. "What... What does this mean?" She asks crying.

"According to the NINDS, Infants with this disorder are born without a forebrain and a cerebrum. The remaining brain tissue is often exposed and not covered by bone or skin. A baby born with anencephaly is usually blind, deaf, unconscious, and unable to feel pain. Although some individuals with anencephaly may be born with a rudimentary brain stem, the lack of a functioning cerebrum permanently rules out the possibility of ever gaining consciousness. Reflex actions such as breathing and responses to sound or touch may occur," she says.

"So what you're saying is that one of our babies is dead?" Nina replies.

"Your baby will be born alive. What I'm saying is that without a functioning part of the brain, your baby girl won't ever gain consciousness," she says.

"How long will she live for?" Jack asks.

"Babies with the condition, if not stillborn, will typically pass away within a few hours or even days after birth," she says regretfully.

"What can we do? There has to be something we can do right?" Nina asks. "We just can't sit back and do nothing. This is my child were talking about," Nina says.

"Nina, there is nothing we can do to treat this condition. The best course of action is to continue the pregnancy as normal, that way baby number one can reach full term before she's born," she says. "When the baby 2 is born we will cover the exposed part of the head with a special hat and padding. That way if you choose to hold or see the baby you won't have to see that. It can be very confronting. Unless seeing the exposed part is what you want," she says.

"Oh god, this can't be happening, this can't be happening," Nina says panicking. "Today was supposed to be one of the happiest day of my life. We came in for a routine ultrasound and to find out the gender of out babies, not this. Not this," Nina says freaking out.

"It's a devastating blow, I understand that. But I can put you in touch with some counsellors to help you understand what's happening," she offers.

"I was feeling them both kick this morning. How can I feel them both kick if one of them is brain dead and unconscious!" Nina yells.

"Nina, calm down," Jack says. "Breathe in and out," he coaches.

"No! No I will not calm down! She just told me that one of our children is brain dead and I've felt them both kick. How's that possible then hey? Do you want to tell me? Because I'd love to know how the hell it's possible. She could be lying for all we know!" Nina yells as she storms out of the room.

"Nina!" Jack calls out. He gets no answer. "I'm so sorry about Nina," he says.

"That's okay. People process troubling news in different ways. This is her way. Now go after your fiancé," she says.

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