Getting Rid of Unwanted Spirits from your Home

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This is a VERY LONG Article but well worth the read for it will EMPOWER you: This article will explains what spirits are, which spirits are harmful to us, why some attach themselves and how to properly get rid of them. Enjoy, and please don't hesitate to leave me your thoughts.

First and foremost, let me do a disclaimer by saying I am in no way, shape or form an "expert" or a demonologist. Therefore these words I write before you are simply my own personal views and my own intuition and some I drew upon after my own personal experience with spirits; so with that being said please read this with an open mind.

If what I say within this article resonate within you as truth, then great; I was able to help someone gain some sort of understanding or insight about this subject matter.

However, if what I say is contradictory to what you believe to be as your personal truth, then that is OK too, all I ask is that you respect my understanding of my own personal truths as I have respected everyone else's and will continue to do so.

I am not here to reform or convince anyone of anything. I'm simply here sharing my awareness and knowingness of certain topics to my peers, nothing more and nothing less.

So, with all that being said, let's continue with my subject matter...

How to get Rid of Unwanted Spirits in Your House:

I felt the need to write this article after emailing back and forth to someone who has been experiencing some sort of torment by a spirit or spirits in his home. He was dumbfounded and perplexed about the whole situation as he continued on to explain that he felt he had done all the right things.

He contacted a paranormal group that has their own television show, (I didn't feel the need to mention the show on here), which in turn referred him a couple of experts in the field.

Not only were they experts in the field, one was a reverend and the other a medium, which so happens to be the Reverend's wife.

The person being tormented gave me permission to use his first name (Tim), after I mentioned I was inspired to write something about this topic after hearing his hardship in dealing with this.

Tim said he found some EVP's (an electronic voice phenomenon) which is a disembodied voice that spirits leave imprinted on any recordable device that can be played back.

We may not always hear spirits voices if it is registered at a different frequency then the frequencies that our ears are accustomed to; Whereas recordable devices such as digital voice recorders or camcorders or any such devices, for that matter, may pick them up easily.

Anyways, Tim found some disturbing EVPs on his digital recorder after setting the recorder to record one evening to try to figure out what was making noises that he and his family had been hearing during the night.

Tim, has not only been experiencing disturbances but also found scratches on the side of his body (Three scratches, two of which criss-crossed each other).

In the Paranormal field, this is known as Poltergeist activity. Poltergeist is when spirits are able to manifest itself in such a way that it can move objects and touch people physically enough to leave scars if they so desires to.

Typically, people associate poltergeist activities to bad or ornery spirits. At times when these activities cause harm, like scratches or items being broken or disturbed in such a way that it causes uneasiness to the person it's generating its energy towards to, then we tend to lean towards believing it may be more malevolent in nature.

When I say, malevolent in nature, I mean to say this entity may not have the highest positive intentions or vibration.

I mean this entity has very low vibrations and possibly very dark intentions.

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