A New Cat Arrives

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Bucky, Satchel, Foodar, Chubby Huggs, & Mac Manc Mcmanx were all taking a walk. They were all having a conversation.

"Hey guys, how about we go raid the butcher's next week?" Bucky suggested.

"Sounds good." Mac replied.

"I'll lead of course." Foodar meowed proudly, shaking his nose.

"Rob won't like this, Bucky." Satchel said warily.

"Well, it's a good thing you're not telling him then!" Bucky hissed, glaring at Satchel.

Satchel sighed as everybody including him continued to walk. All of a sudden a gray cat jumped off the brick wall above them!

"Looks like this new cat wants a hug!" Chubby Huggs purred, walking towards the cat.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT MANGY THING!" Bucky screeched.

The gray cat jumped right over Chubby and right onto Bucky. Bucky hissed and then jumped onto the gray cat's back and started clawing him. Once Satchel came in, the gray cat yowled and jumped away.

"Who are you?! TALK!" Bucky snapped.

"My name is Graystripe. Captured by twolegs. I'm a kittypet." Graystripe explained.

"Come again?"

"I think he means human and pet cat." Foodar whispered.

"Well hi Graystripe! I'm Chubby Huggs, this is Bucky, Satchel, Mac Manc Mcmanx, and Foodar."

"Wait! You guys hang out with that dog?!" Graystripe gasped.

"No. He just follows us around." Bucky meowed.

"Yo, cat. Would you like to get some meat at that building over there next week with us?" Foodar asked.

"You mean that tall nest? And what's a week?" Graystripe said.

"I mean quarter moon. So wanna come with us?"

"Sure." Graystripe replied.

"Cheers." Mac purred.

"Okay cat, you're in. Meet us at that tree over there next 'quarter moon.'" Bucky explained.


Graystripe left Bucky and his friends. Bucky turned to Foodar, very suspicious.

"How did you know what twoleg, kittypet, and quarter moon meant?" Bucky growled.

"Maybe he knew that cat!" Chubby pointed out.

"Kinda of funny. Innit?" Mac added.

"No, no." Foodar whispered, walking away.

Everybody went back into the apartment. Bucky keeping a close eye on Foodar.

Graystripe Meets the KittypetsWhere stories live. Discover now