Chapter Ten

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Chris P.o.v

I sat across the table from TyAna. She was telling me about how much fun she had with her girls last night. I was trying to pay attention. But my mind kept slipping back to the night I made love to her without a condom. Which apparently got her pregnant.


She waved her hand in my face to get my attention. I looked at her and smiled.

"Chris don't smile. You wasn't even listening to me."

"I was .. But then I started thinking about something.."

"Something like.."



"Yes, you."

"What about me."

"That night we made love."

"Um that's like every night."

"The night without a condom"

"Aw yea. Why you thinking about that?"

"I think that was the best I ever had."

"So every other time was wack??"

"No.... Hell NO. It's like that I was in it without a condom. And it was the best nut. I like the way you felt around my dick."  Her eyes got big.

"I guess you right, came hard enough to get me pregnant."

"Yeap. I'm happy as hell about that. I'm so ready for her to get here."

"You must really want a girl."

"Yes I do. She will be daddy's little girl. I'm going to spoil her. Buy her everything..."

"Sooo you gone forget about your baby girl?"

She made a sad face but I knew she was playing. I took a bite of my chicken and stared at her.

"No baby"

"Too bad, because if it's a boy I'm forgetting about you." She laughed.

"Awwww forreal?"

"No I'm kidding."

"You ready for this pregnancy to be over?"



"Ready for the outcome."


Her phone starting ringing. And she looked at me, I nodded my head & she answered. Just a understanding we have when people call while were out. She talked and I knew it was her Mom on the other line. She wrapped up her call and turned her attention back to me.

"What moms talking about?"

"This weekend."

"Oh you invited the family already?"

"Yea, you were showering."

I watched her eat her salad. It looked very good. But I'm not into salads and shit. . . I can't believe my baby pregnant man... I'm going to be a daddy.. Like... My own seed.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Just thinking about being a dad."

"You're going to be a great dad. I already know you'll spoil our child"  She smiled at me and I already knew what I had to do this weekend.

6 p.m

"Gimme kiss"

I dropped Ty off at the house after we went bowling. She said she needed some rest. I was heading over to my boy Dre crib to roll up. About 15 minutes later I was chilling on his couch with a blunt in my hand.

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