Chapter Twenty-Three

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Mya's P.O.V

I sat in my last class bored, tapping my pen on my desk.. Trying to focus on what my professor was saying, but I kept thinking about Deontae.. I hated him and loved him.. a little more hate than love. Am I wrong? .. Ya know for still being with him and claiming him..? I mean am I wrong for seeing Dre... On a REGULAR basic... Am I wrong for using Nyla as a excuse to be all up in his house? I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes.

I snapped back into my surroundings ,taking notes of what Mr. Kelly was saying .. after about ten note cards front and back full of notes I drifted back to Tae. Was he really cheating or just hustling hella hard. . . hell naw !


Out of no where Mr. Kelly called my name. Looking around I noticed the class was now empty.

"Yes Mr. Kelly? " Gathering my things I avoided all eye contant.

"Is everything alright? "

"Uh yes..."

"You were completely blanked out. I called your name three times."

"I'm sorry professor"

"Don't be. "


"Can I help with anything? "

"Ahhh... yes."

"What is that? "

"Um" I looked away.. " a summary of today's class"

He laughed at my answer and we sat and discussed what I missed. 45 minutes later I was regathering my things.

"Thanks alot"

"No problem, but hey! "

"Yes? "

"Listen up next time in my class"


Winking his eye he said "I won't be as nice next time.

Walking off I felt weird.. my professor just flirted with me, but it kind of felt good... being that he was young... I say about 25years old .

"Is this your first year teaching?"


With that I walked out of the class room. I spotted my car. Jumping in I sat my books on the back seat and then turned on the air. While waiting to cool off I checked my phone. I had a text from Tae and Dre. Tae told me to come see him after class. Dre was checking on me. I told Tae I was on my way and I decided not to reply to Dre. I decided to stop at home and change first because I planned on going out. To treat myself and Nyla and Adrian to a girl's night out dinner. Might invite TyAna and Shawna. After my quick shower, I threw my hair in a chic ponytail. Checking that I looked cute, I made my way towards Tae's apartment in RangeWay. Feeling good was a understatement I felt awesome! Reflecting on my independence.. own house.. car, money , and making my way up on more education. When I turned into the entrance it was like entering a new world or something. These females were the exact opposite of me. Looking around, I saw females walking around being fast; short shorts, tight shirts. Saw these young niggas thinking that they're thugs; pants sagging, bandanas swinging. I rolled my eyes in disgust while pulling up to Tae's complex. Wondering why the hell I come here. . Hopping out all eyes flew to me. Me being me, I gave them something to look at. I was rocking a fitted cream colored dress with my shoes matched. I locked my car doors and proceeded towards Tae's door. Taking at my surroundings I looked at a group of boys who stopped their game of shooting dice to stare. Then a few girls standing with a mug on their face. Two old ass ladies gossiping.. and one girl sitting in a chair that was on the mini porch of Tae's apartment. She looked familiar .. like I've seen her out somewhere. Once again, me being me, instead of knocking on the door, I used my key. Soon as the door opened the smell of weed went straight to my nose. Instantly I heard loud music bumping in the bedroom. Locking the door and heading towards his room I had a bad feeling that I was gonna open his door to a bad scene. Lil boosie yelling "thug life" through the speakers. Opening his room door I found Tae, surprisingly it was only Tae and not a ho too. Sensing someone else Tae turned around. My eyes dropped to his chest, then the towel wrapped around his waist.

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