Chapter Forty-Eight

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Shawna's P.o.v
Same day...
I stood in the mirror very pleased that I decided to keep it simple. I dressed in a black body suit with a grey sweater jacket and some black Jordan's. It was 6:30 and Jordan is going to be here within the next thirty minutes. I applied my make up aiming for a very natural look.
I laughed to myself thinking about a conversation from earlier that I had with the girls.
"Y'all I'm nervous .." I spoke.
"Bitch for what ?" Mya asked looking at me crazy.
"This date I have later with Jordan.." I answered, honestly.
"What is there to be nervous about girl?" Ty asked.
"Well, I just don't know what to wear. He said he hopes its something I've never done before.. But what do you wear to something you've never done before? "
"Bitch go naked !!" They both said at the same time making it even funnier.
I shook my head at my crazy ass friends. I love them to death though.

At this point I was done with my make up and anxious. Where is he? I thought right before my bell rung.
My heart literally started beating fast. Why am I acting like a school girl going on her first date? Bitch, calm the fuck down.
Opening my door I saw Jordan standing there with flowers in his hand. I just stared at him.
Damn damn dammnnn! You know you done fucked up. I told myself.
"These are for you." He spoke first and I cleared my throat.
"Thank you.."
"Come on, let's go" he spoke in his accent making his words sound a little different. Jordan grabbed my hand and I stepped out proceeding to lock my door. Following Jordan, he led me to the passenger seat of his car.
"So where are we headed?" I asked five minutes into the drive. J. Cole's "03 Adolescence" played in the background sitting a calm mood.
"You will see." He answered simply.
I rapped along with J. Cole as he spit the second verse, going strong about his friend.
Shortly after that song ended "A Tale of 2 Citiez" followed. I sung along to that, still curious of where we are going.
About 20 minutes later we pulled up to a spot named, "Paint & Eat!" , I looked over at Jordan with question in my eyes.
"I've never been here." I spoke.
"That was my goal." He smirked.
"I've never even heard of this place." I tried looking through the dark mirror.
"My coworkers we talking about the grand opening a few weeks ago. Then I remembered you told me about your passion.."
"Really?" I asked unable to hide the excitement in my voice. I'm guessing Jordan noticed my voice change because his smile grew.
"Come on Ma, let's go. " he seemed more excited now, and so was I. We were definitely feeding off of each other's energy.
Walking through the door my eyes lit up. The place was very colorful and any artist's heaven. There were different art sections, painting, ink/printing, sculpting, wood shop, pottery, and a lot more that my eyes weren't able to catch before we were greeted.
"Hello! Welcome to "Paint & Eat!" The lady at the front desk spoke, happily.
"Hi, we're here for our appointment." Jordan replied.
Appointment? I asked myself noticing the smell. It smelled so good that I could've sworn my stomach growled.
"Jordan and Shawna?" She questioned and I looked up hearing my name.
"Yes." We both answered.
"So happy to have you two here tonight. Follow me." She grabbed two menus and led the way. She led us down a hallway and I noticed private art rooms. Most of them were occupied, this place is nice. I could feel myself getting more excited.
"Here's your room for two!"
"Thank you ma'am." He spoke.
"No problem, if you guys need anything just press the service button on the front wall."
"Thank you." Now I spoke as we entered the room. The door shut quietly behind us.
"Jordan, this place is so nice."
"I'm glad you like it, so far."
"Of course I do, I love art."
"Well, let's make some."
"I don't know what I want to do." Jordan laughed a little.
"It's so much to do.. Have a field day, Ma."
Twenty minutes later, I found myself engaged in a painting. I was painting a scenery of the beach and the silhouette of a couple holding hands walking on the beach.
I was so into my work that I didn't mind being under Jordan's intense gaze.
About 30 minutes went by before my stomach growled again.
"What do you want to eat, Ma?"
Looking at him I thought about what my response would be. He was looking damn good enough to eat. I had to stop myself from saying "you".
"Umm, where's the menu?" I looked around avoiding his eyes. Grabbed the menu I searched it until I landed on something that sounded good.
"Shrimp and chicken pasta sounds good."
"Alright." Jordan pressed the button by the door and shortly after the attendant from earlier came.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yes, we were just ready to order our food."
"Okay, no problem. What would you like ma'am?"
"Have you tried the shrimp and chicken pasta?" I asked her wanting a review.
"Yes! I love it."
"Well, I will take that."
"Alright, would you like garlic bread or a buttered croissant?"
"Oooh I'll take a croissant." I getting more and more hungry by the second. "And a iced tea with lemons."
"And for you sir?"
"I think I'll go for the triple stack, triple cheese burger."
"Those receive a ton of good feedback. What would you like for your two sides?"
"Fries and red beans and rice."
"What to drink?"
"A Coke is fine."
"Alright, anything else for you guys?"
"No thank you." I spoke.
"Your food will be here shortly."
After she left I fixed my eyes on the table, suddenly feeling nervous.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing is wrong."
"Then why won't you look at me?" He challenged.
"I-I- don't know.." I wanted to slap myself for stuttering. Dammit, what is he doing to me?
"Look at me then."
Looking up I met his gaze and he smiled. So sexy.
"So are you enjoying yourself?"
"Yes, I would have never expected this."
"Well I figured I had to do something to impress you." He said and at this point I was back looking down at the table.
"But I just have one question.." I looked up and he spoke again before I could answer. "What are you so afraid of?"
This question caught me off guard.
"W-what do you mean?"
"You're avoiding me like I make you nervous."

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