
197 13 23

Tagged by memorableusername :)

1. Real name?

2. What does your username mean?
It's my real name :3

3. Favourite mutuals?
No clue if the fav part is mutual--and I hate targeting out people because I have so many friends here--but Godhand and AliceGraivenille are very special to me ♥

4. First person you became friends with?
On Wattpad, if I have to believe my following list, it was LaurenDodge :)

5. Height?
Eh... About 1.77m... I think...

6. Piercings or tattoos?
Standard ear piercings and a big tattoo on my right upper arm (still a WIP). My husband has the same tattoo and it symbolises us. (Involves a phoenix with a dragon's skull, and a woman with a snake's body.)

7. Favourite season?
Spring ♥ I love blossom!

8. Last movie you watched?
Does the Shining mini series count?

9. Last song you listened to?
Blood Legion - In This Moment

10. Favourite food?
My mother's spaghetti ♥

11. Favourite TV show?
I don't really watch TV, but I suppose I would then go for American Horror Story.

12. Favourite book series?
The Snow-Walker trilogy by Catherine Fisher :) I read those books so many times when I was younger ♥

13. Hair colour and length?
Ruby Red, left side shoulder length, right side jaw length

14. Favourite thing about myself?
. . . My eyes, despite that I wear glasses. (They are brown with green, but they have this strange blue edge.)

15. First person you remember following on Wattpad?
Not counting my dad, again LaurenDodge

16. Greatest memory?
I have way too many T__T ehm...
I'm just going to say the party where I met my husband =P Though I don't really remember much of the party itself... (I was too preoccupied =P haha)

I tag... April_Parr and because they already got mentioned: Godhand LaurenDodge AliceGraivenille =P

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