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*Matt's P.O.V*

2:39am Dream

"What do you mean 'where have you been for him this past year'? I've been fucking touring like every other year!"

"Yeah well I should imagine that you'd get more than a couple of days every few months to see him! And see me! We never spend time alone together anymore!"

"Well if I'm being completely honest with you, I don't want to spend time with you when you're always like this every time I see you lately..." I shot back, matter of factly. This happened every time I was home. All the same arguments, always taking place in the kitchen. I hated knowing that Evan could probably hear us.

"Oh really? So now you just don't want to see me at all anymore?" She demanded. Was it wrong to say I was sick of hearing her voice lately?

"Jesus fucking Christ, don't start pinning this on me. You fucking started this!"

"Oh you know what, I can't even be bothered with this anymore. Evan! Come get your shoes on, mummy's taking you out somewhere!"

"Oh that's right, bash me for not seeing enough of my kid and then go out with him and leave me behind!" I snapped, raising my voice a bit more as she turned to walk down the hallway.

"Oh just shut the hell up Matt! We'll be back in a few hours anyway!" I watched with anger as she whipped around and spoke, then turned back to get her coat, bag and shoes while Evan stood by the door waiting.

"Don't tell me to shut up! For that you can definitely fuck off for as long as you want!" I'd had enough. I couldn't take doing this all the time.

"You know what, I fucking will."


3:47am Dream



"Come tidy your toys away for me." Evan came skipping in moments later, heading straight over to the coffee table to do what I asked.

"Owkay." He smiled and I ruffled his hair in response.


"All done now!"

"Ok, thank you, you little rascal." I half smiled, picking my son up and holding him up on my waist.

"That owkay Matt"

"Matt? You're meant to call me daddy, Evan." I frowned.

"But I thought I meant to call you Matt. That what mummy say."

"Yes, mummy calls me Matt, you call me daddy." I explained. This was weird, he'd never said this ever before.

"No I don't."

"Evan, yes..." I trailed off, suddenly feeling a strong sense of worry wash over me.

"But mummy say Dan is daddy."

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