Needle in a Haystack.

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**A/N: OKAY So first thing first, sorry for the extreeemmmly long absence I feel SO BAD I HOPE NONE OF YOU FORGOT ABOUT ME 😭. Please forgive me, I hope this massive update makes up for it. Also, Matts parents are in this chapter but I could not remeber their names for the life of me (I'm a terrible fan, I know I'm sorry), so I've gone with Rose and Charles, if they are wrong, please please please correct me. Anyways, I hope you are/will enjoy this big update :) <3**

"Hello boys, it's good to see you again!" All the Bullet boys, Jay included, were given hugs and handshakes from the elderly couple in front of us. We'd finaly made it to Bridgend within a handful of hours, due to lack of traffic on the nighttime roads. Well, when I say handful of hours, it was only 3, but honestly it felt alot longer. The two cars managed to stay together throughout the whole journey too, even when we all swapped roles to change drivers every now and then.

The boys finished their hugs and the elderly couple, who I knew to be Rose and Charles, turned to Myles and I. "Good night to you two as well, Crystal and Myles, right?" Charles confirmed. Myles and I nodded and smiled as the couple came up and gave us hugs and a handshake as well. "Well, it's nice to meet you, come on inside and get warm, I'll put the kettle on for you all," Rose offered, placing a hand on my arm and leading us into the house.

"We'll just quickly grab our bags Rose, we won't be a second," Padge said, and they all left me with to go on inside with Matts parents, with Jay saying that he'll get my bag for me. I thanked him and let continued to follow Rose down the hallway.

"This is a beautiful house you have," I commented, looking around at all the paintings and flowers that decorated the hall.

"Thank you dear, my Rose here done all the paintings herself," Charles replied, wearing a proud smile at the mention of his wife. Ok, already they were seriously elderly couple goals.

I complimented Rose on her painting skills as I admired a piece which was a sunset lowering over a beach. In the bottom corner it had the name of the beach, and her signature. It was a simple thing to paint, but the detail made it come alive and look almost real in a way. I carried on looking at the walls as paintings turned to photos. Family photos, photos of Rose and Charles on their wedding day, their honeymoon, other holidays. It was all so sweet. As we turned the corner into the dining room, my mouth dropped open a tiny bit. The walls were filled with photos, and I mean, absolutely filled. But they weren't photos of Rose and Charles. It was Matt. Pictures of him when he was in Jeff Killed John, but mainly ones of him in Bullet. It was almost like a time line, there some way back in the early days, a few from what I was guessing was a celebration party when they first got signed, some from their Metallica tour. I saw prints of their album covers and photos of Matt as a child, opening some presents which turned out to be his first guitar. In fact, that very guitar was placed in the corner along with an old beat up drum set. Being in this room really hit me that I was in fact, standing in Matt Tucks childhood house, and for a moment, I realized I didn't really know him at all. I didn't know him like the people in this town knew him.

As I was looking around, one picture in particular caught my eye. It wasn't the biggest one in the room, or the most posed or flattering looking one. It looked pretty recent, maybe a year or two old? It was a Christmas one, with him and Evann in it. He wore a genuine smile, as genuine as you could ever get, and he was wearing a bright red Christmas jumper with tinsel and tiny baubles all over it. He was laying on his back with toys and wrapping paper scattered around him, holding Evann above him in his arms, and Evann was laughing his little head off. My heart felt like it had dropped down a never ending pit as I realized that Matt won't get that anymore, or at least, not until he finds someone else that will actually stay true to him.

"It hits you, doesn't it," Charles spoke up from next to me in a quiet voice. I could only nod at his words. "She really had us all fooled. People always say 'if you can't see something, your parents will see it' but even we couldn't see what she was hiding." There was the tiniest bit of venom dripping from his words as he spoke about Charley. "It's a shame really, that boy was the most well behaved, happiest little guy I've ever known. I'd never seen Matt bond with a child so much before, even when Jay had his kids."

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