Marco, Polo.

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I was the first to wake up the next morning. The lighting was still rather dim in the room even with the thin cotton curtains so I guess it mustn't be too late into the morning. Good, I didn't want to waste more time than needed today. I looked to my side and saw Jay sleeping, and became aware of the snoring at the other end of the room. God is that Jamie? How the hell do the others cope with that? Mind you, they're probably all just as bad as eachother.

I reached out for my phone on the nightstand and checked it, just in case I had any texts or calls from anyone. None from Matt, which at this point was sadly expected. But I had a few missed calls from Jack and Dylan. Ah, crap.

Making sure I didn't wake anyone up, I crawled out of bed and out into the hallway so I could make my way outside to return the calls. It was half eight, so they'd usually be awake by now. As I passed down the hallway, I could hear more snoring from the room that Moose and Padge were in. Yep, just as bad as eachother, I thought as I smiled to myself and continued down the stairs.

"Ah! Good morning my dear!" I was greeted with a smiling Charles as I entered the kitchen. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did thank you. I just came downstairs to make a phone call, I didn't want to wake the others up with it," I smiled, bringing my phone into view for a second before dropping my arm by my side again.

"Sure, sure, don't let me stop you with that. Did you want a drink? Something to eat?" He asked, standing up from the table where his coffee mug sat.

"A coffee would be lovely, thank you," I smiled. He asked how I take it and I told him my preference. He set to work which allowed me to make my call.

"Morning baby cakes. You didn't pick your phone up last night?" Jack asked as soon as he picked up. Yeah, I thought it'd be safer phoning him instead of Dylan.

"Yeah sorry uh, actually there is a reason... Me, Myles and Jay aren't in London at the moment. We're in Wales with Bullet trying to find Matt."


"Yeah.... Long story short, he tried phoning me, I missed them and he sent me a shitty text. He then turned his phone off so I couldn't ring him back and we're all worried he's gonna do some stupid shit," I explained. Charles set a cup down in front of me and I looked up and mouthed 'thank you' to him. He smiled and nodded in return and turned his attention to the door, where Rose had just made an appearance. She walked up to him and smiled before giving him a small kiss. I internally 'aww'd' at them before paying attention to my phone call.

"So, how long will you be away for? Trying to find Matt at the moment sounds like it could be the biggest game of cat and mouse in history."

"That's why we're at his parents house right now. They haven't heard anything from him in a long time but they said they'd help out as much as possible. This is their son we're talking about here, after all." At the mention of this, Rose turned to me and joined me at the table. I waved good morning at her and she smiled.

"Well, you know I'd drag Dylan and myself over there but he wouldn't go for it. Unless I physically tie him up and drag him out of his flat," Jack said. I knew Jack would want to help, but like he said, Dylan was going to be difficult.

"It's Ok. We'll let you know about each place we're going to try, and if you can get to any of them, that's great, but if not then don't worry. I think we've got more than enough people here anyways, we should be Ok." Jack agreed with the plan, then said that he won't tell Dylan where the three of us are or what we were doing. Jack was good with excuses like that. I thanked him then hung up, leaving it to be just me and Matts parents again.

"Friend of yours?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, my guitarist from my band. I just had to fill him in on where we are and what's going on," I informed.

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