Finally Met You

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After wondering around for a little while, I found myself standing outside, with a cigarette talking to a couple of fans who'd got here rather early.

"Can I get a picture with you?"

"Hey Crystal, could you sign this for me?"

"I love your band, you cover songs so well!"

I smiled and politely gave what everyone wanted, and said thank you whenever someone would compliment me and the band. Soon, everyone was happy and I was left to have some more quiet time as the fans all went off on their way.

While I was halfway through my second cigarette, I heard one of the bus doors open and I looked over to see a familiar yet unfamiliar face appear from behind the door. The guy walked down the steps and sat on the bottom one, with an open can of Guinness, along with five more still tied together to what would have been a pack of six. Even from this distance, with the tired face of his, the fan within me instantly knew it to be Matt. Other than the common sense telling me that he was the only one in that bus I hadn't seen around yet.

I stood there, looking over at him as he puffed on a cigarette, finished it and almost instantly pulled out another. He lit it and took his first toke, before exhaling the smoke and taking large gulps of his canned drink. I bit my lip slightly, feeling extremely bad for him. What was I meant to do right now? Act like I hadn't noticed him? Go over to him? Say hi? Ask how he was? That last one seemed like a bad idea actually.

After falling deep into my little self debate, I heard someone yell out in excitement and I looked towards the noise to see two girls and a boy making a quick beeline towards Matt. Sensibly guessing that he probably didn't want to be disturbed, I acted on my first thought and beat the three fans to him. Once I reached him I saw the three others slow down a bit although they still continued this way.

"Can I help you with something?" I heard. I looked to Matt to see that he had turned his gaze to look up at me, not looking impressed in the slightest.

"Yeah Ok, just letting you know there's three crazed fans coming towards you and you don't exactly look like you want any interaction with anyone, so did you want to follow me to safety or not?" I asked, ignoring the threat of stuttering my words as his eyes burned into mine.

A moment passed before he suddenly seemed to become aware of the voices which were coming closer. He then sighed in annoyance and threw his half finished cigarette on the floor and pulled himself up, grabbing the cans of Guinness and shutting the bus door before walking with me in the opposite direction. After we had gotten a few meters away, the fans seemed to back off, realizing something was up, and Matt began speeding up a little.

"Hey wait, where are you-"

"I'm going wherever people won't fucking bother me," He mumbled, cutting me off. "It would be achieved if you'd stop following me," He then muttered sarcastically under his breath.

"I heard that," I called as he stopped and let out another agitated sigh.

"You're a little bit mouthy for a fan, don't you think?" He snapped, turning to face me with an annoyed expression.

"I guess so, but I'm not just a fan. You would know if you showed up a little earlier to watch your supports acts," I said, softening my tone a little so I didn't piss him off completely. This was probably the most interaction he's had with someone that wasn't Moose, Padge or Jamie, their new bassist.

"What are you on about?"

"I'm the vocalist for the support band Roses Bleed Blue. But like I said you probably didn't know, so my bad for suddenly getting all up in your personal space."

I gave him a small, semi sympathetic smile before going to turn away, when his voice stopped me.

"You don't look like you'd be in a band. Especially one that covers metal and shit."

"Well if you actually watched our set, you'd be in for a surprise," Was all I replied, then went on my way, calling out to him that it was nice to finally see an appearance from him off stage.


"Dude, where have all my guitar picks gone?!" Jack yelled out, looking frantically around for them.

"Right here you walnut," I said calmly, as I grabbed them from a chair in the corner and  handed them to him. He thanked me and everyone gathered together, hearing the chants from the crowds get louder.

One by one the boys walked calmly onto the stage as our intro started, and I began reciting the words into the mic that Robb Flynn says during Declaration, the 'intro track' whilst I walked up on stage and turned to face the drums once I reached center stage. The crowd got louder still and began shouting the words with me, until I reached the last bit of the intro, where I let out the same scream that Robb does, keeping it going until the boys kicked in with Bulldozer.

We played through our set smoothly, with the crowd responding amazingly. We soon reached Vermillion and as we played through the first half of the song, I got a strong sense of feeling the need to look off to the side of the stage. I soon gave in and glanced a quick look to see the usual three boys from Bullet watching us, but also a new face. I blinked in disbelief and suddenly felt my nerves from before the show return a little. Matt had actually decided to show up early to watch our set for once.

I quickly looked back at the crowd, continuing with my singing as I automatically focused my whole mind on not making any mistakes, even though I hadn't made any at all yet. It wasn't until I was near the end of the song that I had to cut a note short though as I suddenly realised something.

Matt was watching our set... And Jay was our bassist.

*Matt's P.O.V*

I couldn't stop thinking about the encounter with that girl from earlier. I found it odd that someone would actually take note of me not wanting to be smothered by fans at the moment. I found it even more odd that she was supposedly the singer for that Roses Bleed Blue band. When I saw a photo of them, the girl in the photo had dark hair, heavy but well-done make up, low cut tops, high heels, jewellery, all in black. Just like a punk-goth, "sexier" version of the Butcher Babies. But the girl I was faced with was stripped down to pretty much the bare basics, with her simple makeup and long brunette hair. The outfit she had on was pretty simple too, it all made her look good if I had to be honest.

Once she mentioned being the singer though, I had gone off and debated for what seemed like forever until I thought that it would probably be an idea to actually turn up and see what our support acts were like for once.

The first band were Ok, they were called Dissimulator. They were some friends of the other band apparently, but were still pretty small and unknown to the bigger music industry. Roses Bleed Blue on the other hand, well the fact that they've been the second band down from headliners in a couple festivals, and that their singer has shared the stage with bands as big as Machine Head, Marilyn Manson and Slipknot, it kinda shows how far they've managed to come. For a cover band, at least.

When their set started, I watched as she walked out on stage, already shouting into the microphone. She sounded like she could match Robb Flynns vocal skill easily. I was surprised seeing as earlier her voice seemed like it couldn't sound anything like this, but boy I was mistaken. She actually done amazingly well, especially when they started some Slipknot songs. She was basically a female Corey Taylor or female Robb Flynn.

Their set continued and I kept watching, but found myself gazing off to their bassist. He looked familiar. A bit to familiar for my liking. After a few moments of confusion, he finally faced a decent angle on stage for me to see exactly who it was. What the fuck was Jay doing with that band?

I instantly felt hate rise up inside me and ended up watching the rest of their set with clenched fists until it was time for us to get ready.

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