The dream

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I woke up to the sound of the neighbors packing up there things, last night I didn't sleep well I kept hearing noises in the bush and laughing but I finally fell asleep about 2:56am
"Wakey wakey," I hear someone yell
"I'm up," I yell back
I look in my bag and found a black crop top a flannel shirt to go around my waist and I found a pair of short-shorts.
When I'm dressed I walk out of my tent and see Mike and Andrea with a jug of water and Riley and Luke cooking breakfast.
"Hey guys after breakfast want to go for a swim," I asked
"I'm in," Riley and Andrea said
"Nah girls me and Luke are gonna go find some hot chicks," Mike said
"Wow thanks Mike," I said kind of weirded out.
"Okay you guys are beautiful but I'd honestly like to see some other girls once in a while," he said back
"Suit yourself!" I said
For breakfast we had eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast when we were done we all changed into our bathing suits then we went our separate ways the guys went towards a group of girls and we went down to the beach where we saw a group of kids playing in the shallow water and a couple guys pushing each other off a tube.
Once we got set up we instantly ran in the water and played volleyball.
After playing volleyball for 15 minutes we got out of the water and went to go for a
Then the group of guys that were pushing each came to talk to us.
"Hey girlys!" One of the guys said
"Hi," I said back
I looked one of the guys in the eyes and saw that his eyes were red, I jumped up and stared at him,
"What the fuck dude," I said to him
Then one of the guys grabbed me and the another one grabbed my shoulder then the last one grabbed my neck and drank my blood, Riley and Andrea got up and screamed and the guy let go of me and dropped me,
"Va..vampire," I stuttered
Then the girls sat me down as the guys started to comeback, Luke yelled "What the hell bitch!" to the guy who drank my blood.
Then that guy vampire thing came and threatened Luke "Yo mind your own fucking business asshole or your next," Then the guy ran away fast faster than anything I've ever seen.
They carried me back to camp and stitched me up thank god Luke is a part time intern at the hospital.
"Makayla wakey wakey!"

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