Getting ready

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"Yo Sam you ready to go," Riley yells from across the yard. I chose the 4 of my best friends to go camping this week as a graduation get-away. Myself, Mike, Andrea , Riley and Luke were all going together. You could call us best friends, but honestly I don't know sometimes. All I know is that I love them, anyway it's a beautiful summer day in Colorado. Me and the others decided since we just graduated that we would stick together forever. We had made plans to go camping for 50 days.
"Um I still have to pack my clothes and the hunting kit, are you sure we shouldn't you know bring some spare food or anything!" I asked from inside my bedroom.
"No there is a stream by the cabin with fresh water plus I have a fire starter and lots of matches just in case we will be fine," Andrea says from the bathroom across the hall.
Andrea came to my house with her huge truck. In the box of the truck was all of her stuff in three big bags. One bag for cloths, one bag for her make up and bathroom stuff and the other for spare items like bowls, forks, knifes, spoons, etc..
I'm sorry! Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Samantha Steenberg.   I'm 18 years old, I just graduated a week ago with my best friends- Mike Oiler, Andrea Spoone, Riley Renée and Luke Borroskey. We had all graduated from Colorado Pine High School. It really needs a better name! " I think Luke and Mike are here" Andrea yells from downstairs. The two guys of our " group" always drove together. " You picking up Rils?" I ask walking down the stairs. It was Saturday afternoon, and we were planning to head off at 3:00 pm. " No. Ima ask Luke to do it" she said grabbing a banana from the fruit basket. I giggled. Luke was the type of guy were if you asked him to do something, then he would. " And you 50 days of spending time with us, has just begun" Mike said walking inside. " Um, care to knock much, this is still my parents house, and if it gets trashed, I'll be in shit for it" I said. I gave them both a hug, then asked if both of them could go get Riley.
" Why don't you go get her" Luke asks.
" Because I still haven't finished packing" I say with sass.
" Oh my freakin gosh-a-molie" Luke always said that when he was mad at us, that just made me start laughing, and Andrea start choking on her banana from laughing.
" Don't die, cuz we need you to survive" Mike said. Then started blushing. " I did not mean it that way" he said. That just made us laugh ever harder.
" Kay bitches, be back in 20", Luke said, then added, " Have fun hanging out with girls who like to pack there bra's and panties". Mike got up from the couch and ran to the door. " Knew you'd come with me" Luke said, giving Mike a bro hug.

1 hour later, I finished packing and we all gathered our stuff near the front door. We decided to take two cars. Andrea's truck, and Luke's big truck. Riley had been mad at me and Andrea for not picking her up, she had complained that the guys were grossing her out.
" Kay, start packing, it's almost 2:30" I said. The girls grabbed there bag's, sleeping bags and pillows and went to load the truck.
Around 3:00, everything was packed. " I'll go lock up, guys" I yell trying to get there attention. They were walking around the house to grab there guns for hunting. " Yes master Sammy, what can we help you with". I absolutely HATED when people called me Sammy.
" Just go ahead of us. We'll be 20 minutes behind, and make sure to buy us some dinner on the way there" I said, as they started to get in the truck.
" Why do we have to" Mike whined.
" Because you called me Sammy, now go ahead losers, see you there" I say.
We waved goodbye, then I went to grabbed my new iPhone 6S from the kitchen counter inside, and locked up the house.
My parents were returning from a trip in Australia tomorrow, so I had had the house to myself for 3 weeks. But the saddest thing was that they missed my graduation.
" Kay, I vote that Andrea drives" Riley said one I was in the truck.
" No duh, this is my baby, I would never let any of you touch it" she said with a smirk. We started laughing as Andrea started the engine. Unfortunately, Riley had one won shotgun from a game of Rock Paper Scissors. So I had the back seat.
We mainly talked and listened to music the hole 2 hour drive there. Riley had texted the guys to meet at the Gray Nettle RV resort to eat dinner. We pulled into the lot, and found a picnic table. We waited 15 minutes before the guys showed up with A&W as our supper. We ate, then danced to Mike's radio, then around 7, we drove off again to go to the camp site that we booked.
" Hey guys, I heard that that creepy old cabin is in the woods 12 km south from the camping site" Andrea said.
" We should totally pay a visit" Riley suggests.
" Agree" I say. We sang all the way there, until , we found out camp site, set up tents and went to bed.

But what they didn't know, is that the should not have agreed to go to the spooky cabin...

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