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Just in case, the only character I have created in this fanfiction is Piper Raymond, the others belong to DC, The CW, Greg Berlanti idk.
Pipers Raymond's time in Starling city could be described as well.. Intriguing, dangerous even reckless ,but totally awesome all the same.
She had moved to Starling City for a break from her ordinary, draining life with the intentions of finding a good job and becoming close to her cousin. However, her expectations were far from her reality. Life remained pretty ordinary for Piper right up until the moment she discovered her cousin, Felicity Smoak, just so happened to be working with a certain vigilante and from that moment on her life was a whir of late night shifts and criminal ass kicking. Piper wasn't exactly a key member of team Arrow, she didn't participate in any of the 'vigilantism' or the tracking down of criminals. She was more so the teams personal doctor and sarcastic comment maker, patching up Dig and Ollie whenever they got into trouble and throwing in those humorous comments whenever the mood was dampened. She had had an awesome time in Starling participating in the kicking of the asses of criminals and bringing down Malcomn Merlyn. But now it was time for her to start a fresh, to live an 'ordinary life' like someone in their twenties should.
Piper was stood in the bustling train station of Starling City, her scruffy duffle bag resting at her feet.
"You know I offered to buy you a new one" Ollie joked, gesturing towards the battered old bag that she had had since she was a young child, as he stepped forward to engulf Parker in a hug. He had never been one to show much affection to his team members, but he saw Piper
as a sort of annoying little sister. Even though he would never dare to admit it, he would miss the young brunette and her sarcastic comments a hell of a lot.

"Finally after so long I won't have to deal with your annoying presence in my life" he joked

Piper smiled unable to say anything, she was afraid that if she spoke she would burst out into a series of sobs. Even though she had grown tired of living in Starling, Ollie had become a great friend of hers - someone there to protect her and she would miss him a great deal.

Diggle offered out his hand to be shaken, but instead Piper tackled him with a big hug.
"Oh Dig, how much I'll miss our black driver" Piper chuckled, she had always found it hilarious how Ollie labelled Dig his 'black driver' and it had become an inside joke between the two.
"I will miss you pipes" he sighed as he playfully pushed her arm.
Piper flashed him a toothy grin but that grin soon faded as she turned to face Felicity. Piper dreaded the moment she would have to say goodbye to the cousin that was more like an older sister than anything.
The nerdy blonde pulled her into a tight hug

"Ill miss you so Much" she sobbed "Now don't get into any trouble, be good, look after yourself, oh and say hi to Ronnie for me" She stopped for a moment smiling at the young girl.

"Just call me if you need me, you know I'll race over in a flash"

"Yeah like you could ever move that fast" Piper giggled

"Way to ruin the moment Pipes, you know I thought we were having a special cousin to cousin moment there and boom there you going ruining it with your sarcastic comments"

"I know I know I'm sorry, I love you dearly Smoak " Piper interrupted " But seriously I have to leave. Agent Raymond is out peeps."

Piper heard the chuckles of her fellow colleagues as she stepped onto the train and she smiled to her self. She hated to leave them behind but something told her she would see them again in the near future.

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