It Starts With Being Bullied

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It all started my 6th grade year, I got picked on by these two girls for no reason. I didn't even know them. One told me she was gonna "bust a cap in me", meaning shoot me. I didn't like it at all. So I began to say things like leave me alone, you dont know me, i dont know you, just stop it, get over yourself.

Finally, one day, they both said.... "If you're not scared come into the bathroom. I wasnt scared, so i went into the bathroom. Little did I know things were gonna get physical really quickly.

I was standing against the wall infront of one of the stalls. Turns out one of the girls were in there. She knew I was there and she slung the stall door at me. It almost hit my face. It pissed me off. I said "what was that for", and then they jumped me.

I defended myself a few times but they over powered me because two-on-one isnt a fair fight. After that other kids began to make fun of me too. They would say, "haha, you got beat". They called me other mean and hurtful names too. Like, "pussy, bitch, slut, cunt, they told me to go to hell too".

It kinda hurt my feelings. I didn't tell anyone because I knew they would keep doing it, and it would get worse. So, I kept it in and I thought it would go away on its own but i was wrong. I finally started getting depressed. I never knew the feeling until now.

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