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I swivel around in my desk chair, reading Instagram updates. I hear a knock on my bed room door. I get up and jog over, knowing its my best friend, Lexie. We're both 17, I being a few months older, but she's dating the curly haired heart throb, Harry Styles, from our favorite band, One Direction. We're leaving for Cheshire tomorrow around 7am so she can see Harry and I can meet the boys (finally!).

I swing open my door and sure enough, there stands the tall, brunette that Lexie is. She bursts in and hugs me, "Holy tits! I'm so excited for you to meet them! I can't wait to see Hazza; I've missed him much," she says barely breathing between words. I laugh. "I can't wait either! I finally get to meet my heros!" I say beaming. We brake out embrace and I shut the door as Lexie spies on my Instagram. "Some weird people liking your pictures, yeah?" She says in her weird British accent. We're both American, but she talks British a lot for fun.

Lexie helps me finish packing and I try to put in a regular t-shirt and some skinny jeans, but she smacks my hand. "I don't think so!" She says. I frown. "Oh fine," she gives in. I smile and zip up the suitcase. I then pack a smaller one with toiletries, brush, and extra shoes. "Well I'm all packed!" I say. "Good, I'll take your stuff to my car now so we won't have to tomorrow," Lexie says. "What about your's?" I ask. "Already in there," She responds. I laugh as she takes the suitcase and carries it to her Ford Escape and puts it in her trunk.

"What time is it?" Lexie asks, she's been here for a while. "About 9pm," I say after glancing at my clock. "I'm gonna go. Get some sleep, i'll be here at 6:45!" Lexie says as I wave and she goes out the door. I hear her car start up and drive off. I decide to shower now.

I step out of the tub, towel on my hair. I slip on underwear, and a over-sized shirt. I take my hair out of the towel and pull it up. I brush my teeth and walk out of the bathroom. My mom is at work and my dad doesn't live with us. My older sister, Jesse, is probably out. I logout of Instagram and turn off my computer. I set my alarm for 6:00 and plug it in. I crawl in bed and turn off my light, slowly drifting off to sleep.

•The Next Day•

"EVERYONE ELSE IN THE ROOM CAN SEE-" my alarm start but I hit 'Dismiss'. The music stops playing and I sit up, stretching. Today is going to be a long plane ride from Ohio to Cheshire, England (UK). I get up and pick out sweats and a comfy hoodie, since we are gonna be on a plane for 14 hours <rough estimate> and not actually meeting the boys. I go to my bathroom and take out my hair, brushing it, and putting it in a high bun. I put on my Adidas: Black and White, slip ons and check my phone for the time. 6:27. That leaves enough time to eat.

I go downstairs carrying my phone in case Lex calls. My mom is sitting at the table. "Hey mom," I say. "Morning, what time will Lexie be here?" She asks. "6:45," I say getting out a bowl and some Cookie Crisps. I pour the cereal in and then add the milk, I grab a spoon and start eating.

I eat in 15 mins. 6:42. I quickly brush my teeth and I hear Lexie pull up. "She's here!" My mom yells. I rush in, hug my mom, and run out the door. I hop in the passengers of her SUV and smile. "I'm so excited! Oh good lord!" I say. She nods and pulls out, driving to the airport.

We get there in 10 long minutes and I grab my bag, Lexie grabs hers. We rush in the airport and she gives me my ticket and we put our luggage on the conveyer belt. We rush to gate 9. "Flight 2378 to Cheshire. Flight 2378 to Cheshire, now boarding," We hand the man our tickets and run to the plane, grinning ear-to-ear.

"Please buckle up, the plane will be taking off in 2 minutes," the flight lady says. We both buckle up and put in our own headphones that are plugged in to our iPhones. I have a feeling Lexie turned on Ed Sheeran, while I turn on One Direction. I lay back and relax and find myself drifting off.

•11 hours later•

I jerk awake and Lexie looks at me, alarmed. "You slept for 11 hours! We're basically over Ireland!!" She exclaims. Wow, I slept that long? I notice my music' off so I unplug my earbuds and shove them in my pocket. Lexie babbles on how she misses Harry and that the boys will absolutely LOVE me. I smile at that thought. She continues to talk..

And talk.

And talk.

"Please prepare for landing!" The PDA says. The plane soon lands and we board off, going straight to luggage claim.


Sorry if this was boring! It's the prologue! I hope you all enjoyed, especially Jordan! Thanks for 300+ reads on Hunter's Love! I'm so happy! I'll update this book on every Sunday as well as my other books.

Thanks kittens!



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