Chapter Two

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We drive in complete silence until Lexie says something. "So, Zayn, how ya been? How's Perrie?" She asks. He shrugs. "We broke up," Zayn says. I smile a whole lot on the inside. "Aw that sucks," I say. He ignores me and I get a confused look on my face. Wasn't he just practically FLIRTING with me? Now, he's freaking ignoring me! I huff and sit back in my seat, turning on the radio: trying to sooth the awkward silence.

We pull up in the parking lot of Nando's; I have a feeling Niall picked the place. The three of us get out of the car and walk to the restaurant. "Sorry, Ni picked the place," Liam says. Genius Jordan strikes again.

(A/N): that last sentence is a pewdiepie thing don't judge)

After were seated; Me, Lexie, and Harry in one side of the booth and then Zayn, Louis, Niall and Louis (whose basically falling off the booth), we order our drinks. "So, Jordan: did Lexie tell you about the c-" "LOU!" Lexie cuts Louis off. "Wait, what?!" I say. "Well it was SUPPOSE to be a surprise birthday present but since Louis brought it up..." She starts. "WHAT," I say. "I'm taking you to a 1D concert, we get to sit back stage and after we hang with the boys," Lexie says. I smile. "Cool,"

•A few hours later•

"I'm still stuffed," Niall says as he sprawls on the couch. "Well, you did eat like 7 plates of mash potatoes," I say. Everyone nods in agreement. "So, wanna watch a movie?" Harry recommends. "What movie?" Zayn pipes in. Me and Lexie look at each other. "MIRRORS!" We both say. "Let's go to RedBox!" Louis says. "I say only a few of us go," Lexie says. "So, me, you, Jordan, and Harry?" Zayn says. I shrug. "Sure"

We're on the way home from getting the movie. Lexie'a driving, with Harry in the passengers and then me and Zayn are in the back. I fiddle around with the DVD case, feeling Zayn's eyes on me. I look at him, connecting our stares. "Why are you looking at me?' I ask. "I d..dunno," Zayn says looking at his feet. I stare at the back of Lexie's head rest.

We pull into the hotel lot and I get out quickly. The others soon follow but I'm in the room before they are. I put in the DVD and sit on my bed while Louis, Niall, and Liam sit on the couch. Zayn, Harry, and Lexie bursts through the door as I start the movie. Lexie and Harry fill in the seats on the couch. Zayn shrugs and sits by me on the bed. The movie starts and I lean back on the bed so I can relax.

It's half way through the movie and I realize Zayn's now laying next to me. I shrug it off and focus on the movie. Louis is freaking out with a pillow over his face. "Lou, calm down its only a movie," Liam says. I laugh slightly and glance at my hand....WHICH IS INTERTWINED WITH ZAYN'S. WHAT THE CRAP?! Whoa




Hey kittens :) I know this chapter is boring and short but the next chapter/ chapter after will be better! Thanks for reading. Vote, comment, and tell your friends ;)



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