The prophecy

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She will live with the many

Yet die with a great soul

This prophecy is being told

So she'll not fall without knowing it all

A curse is in her shadows

Will awake with a spice

Turn everything up

And turn everything around

Deaths will be seen

Deaths will be heard

Let her be free

Let her be alone

Don't stay with her

Nor hold her hands

For everything will be alright

For death is now within her own hands

True love will be seen

True love is the start

For he will cure the curse

That she sets upon the souls

This curse is to hurt the blood suckers

Turn their blood to black

For they'll end up hungry

Hungry for her

Thats a fact

Her powers are amazing

Her powers are the unknown

For they speak upon levels

For the levels that will not be kept untold

Secrets will be told

Secrets will be on hold

For these are some hidden secrets

For this is the place

Where secrets lie

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