Gamzee: *Shows up at your house with two bottles of faygo* ThE bEsT WaY tO SoLvE yO PrObLeMs sIs, Is pReTtY EaSy tO MoThErFuCkIn sEe.
Gamzee: *sits down on your couch and pops the lid of one of the faygos* ChIlL oUt, AnD sLaM A mOtHeRfUcKiN FaYgO. cHeErS Me rIgHt ThE fUcK Up. *sips the faygo*
Ask Gamzee
RandomTaVbRo aLl uP AnD SaId tHaT I ShOuLd tRy tHiS MoThErFuCkIn aSk nOiSe tHaT YoU AlL'Ve gOt gOiN On. sO Go oN AnD mOtHeRfUcKin AsK mE StUfF. hOnK HoNk :o)