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"What do you think of people shipping you with Tavros?"

Gamzee: UhH, i'M NoT rEaLlY CaUgHt uP On hOw ThIs "sHiPpIn" NoIsE wOrKs--

Nepeta: :33 < *ac quickly arrives to tc's hive, having heard the topic of ships appear*

Nepeta: :33 < *she looks at tc and whispurrs in his ear, explaining how shipping works so he doesn't embarrass himself*

Gamzee: Oh. oH! HeHeH, tHaNkS NePsIs, i WaS aLl Up aNd MoThErCaKiN' cOnFuSeD FoR a SeC tHeRe.

Nepeta: :33 < no purroblem, tc!

Nepeta: :33 < oops, *ac says no purroblem, tc! and scatters away to find her evening prey*

*Gamzee waits until he thinks Nepeta is gone to answer the question, but he has no idea why, he just thought it was the thing to do*

Gamzee: YoU wAnNa KnOw wHaT i MoThErFuCkIn' tHiNk?

Gamzee: I tHiNk ThAt tHaT ShIt iS A-oKaY.

Gamzee: HeLl, aS LoNg As yOu'Re HaPpY, i'M MoThErFuCkIn' hApPy. EsPeCiAlLy fOr TaVbRo. :o) HoNk

Gamzee: ... SpEaKiN' oF, WhErE hAs My iNvErTiBrOtHeR BeEn tHeSe DaYs? i HaVeN't aLl Up aNd TaLkEd tO hIm LaTeLy...

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