"Hey big bro. I have to ask who is your kismesis?"
Gamzee: *Goes in Terezi's respite block while she is sleeping in her cuperacoon, and smirks*
Gamzee: *Tiptoes over to her clothes which she put to the side, picks them up, then runs out*
Gamzee: No oNe YeT. ;o) hEhEh.
Terezi: *Screams from inside of her respite block* G4MZ33 M4K4R4 YOU CONN1V1NG 4SSHOL3 1 SHOULD H4NG YOU FOR YOUR CR1M3S!!!
Gamzee: YoU gOtTa CaTcH mE FiRsT, tErEsIs!
Terezi: F1N3 TH3N, 1 W1LL *She quickly pulls on her Neophyte Redglare cosplay which was folded in the corner, and runs after him* NOW D13!
Gamzee: Oh sHiT *Runs* WhY dIdN't I mOtHeRfUcKiN SeE tHaT?! Do:
Terezi: H3H3H3H3H3H3H4H4H4H4H4!!! *Eventually catches up with him, and tackles him*
Gamzee: *Falls over on his stomach* HoNk!
Terezi: F1GHT M3. *Snatches her clothes back, gets off of him and walks away* HMPH.
Gamzee: WhAtEvEr yOu MoTheRfUcKiN wAnT, SiS... *He gets up, rolls up his sleeves with an angry glare, and tackles her*
Terezi: 4GH!! TH4T'S 1T, YOU 4R3 GO1NG TO T4ST3 MY WR4TH, M4K4R4!!!
♠ And then they had the most hate filled battle in all of Alternia. ♠
Ask Gamzee
RandomTaVbRo aLl uP AnD SaId tHaT I ShOuLd tRy tHiS MoThErFuCkIn aSk nOiSe tHaT YoU AlL'Ve gOt gOiN On. sO Go oN AnD mOtHeRfUcKin AsK mE StUfF. hOnK HoNk :o)