Chapter 15

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The next day they didn't do much. Stiles spent the whole day at his house. Almost by dinner he sent a message

"Are you alive?" Stiles

"Thought you didn't want to talk" Derek

"Thought you would resume the search today. I was hoping to see you today" Stiles

"It would have been pointless without more clues." Derek

"What about the second part?" Stiles

"Second part of what?" Derek

"Good night Derek" Stiles

He threw his phone to his bed and headed for the kitchen to cook something. He didn't send another message nor did he get an answer.

It was Wednesday and Stiles had barely talked to Derek so he decided that after school he would go to the loft. The day went on pretty slow. When the bell rang he picked up his stuff and ran to his jeep bumping into Liam.

"Hey where are you going so diligently?" Liam asked

"Wolfy things" he said and ran again.

"Call me if you need anything!" he heard the junior yell and he only waved his hand to let him know he heard him.

His mind was a whirlpool of thoughts and he couldn't pick the right words to tell Derek. He arrived and gave up on making anything up so he decided he would improvise.

"What are you doing here Stiles?" Derek asked as soon as Stiles got out of the elevator.

"I came to talk to you" he responded "It's been almost four months since you came back Derek, and all this times we've been alone, they must mean something; so tell me what do they mean" he said serious.

"Nothing Stiles. Impulses, physical impulses; but they're over now." Derek said calmly.

"Impulses? Why do you keep telling yourself and everyone you don't feel anything for me?"

"Because Stiles, you are a weak, defenseless human" Derek raised his voice a little.

"Defenseless!? Derek I took down the chimera leader! When will you start giving me some credit? I might not have your senses, reflexes and strength; but I have this Derek-" he pointed his head "-I have brain! I can think fast and use that to defend myself! I've even saved your butt several times!" he yelled.

"Stop it Stiles! I'm not interested in you! Why would I be in the first place? You're annoying, reckless, noisy, weak, not to mention imprudent, pesky and always driving me out of my senses by your childish attitude" he snapped.

"Are you really emotionally crippled? Can't you see that I like you? Is it so hard to realize that you always hurt me with your words and actions? Why Derek? Why do you always make me feel like shit and then give me illusions by getting close to me?" Stiles asked with his voice shaking and fighting the urge to cry.

"I'm sorry if I ever misled you Stiles. As I told before, those were only physical impulses but they won't be happening again. I want you to stay out of this as much as you can. I'm not going to protect you from everything all the time" he answered not daring to look at Stiles.

"Fine. Don't worry. You don't have to" Stiles whispered and stepped backwards into the elevator again. "If there's anything else you want to say, you can do it" he said delaying the elevator a little longer.

"Good night Stiles. Be safe" and then he entered his loft.

Tears were threatening to escape the boy's eyes but he told himself he wouldn't give in.

The wolf and the boy (Sterek) - A Teen Wolf fanficWhere stories live. Discover now