Chapter 23

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A/N: Okay I have a couple of things to say, first of all thanks for reading this story so far, I really hope you enjoy it and it's almost halfway. Second thing, this chapter is going to have some smut and graphic content. I'll warn when it comes so you don't have to read it if you don't want to ^^. Thanks again for reading and I hope you like it :D.


"Hey there, are you coming to my place later?" Stiles asked with a shy smile.

"I think I should let you rest. That was a pretty impressive work back there. Your brain keeps amazing me" Derek complimented with a neutral voice.

"Well I deserve a prize then don't you think?" he suggested with an innocent smile.

"So now you're like a puppy who asks for treats?" Derek chuckled raising an eyebrow.

"Ha ha, very funny" Stiles said with contempt rolling his eyes.

"Okay. Leave your window open. I'll get there later." Derek said still serious patting Stiles' arm once and heading to his car. Stiles sighed. He knew Derek wasn't the most emotional person in the world but his coldness sometimes was overwhelming. He got on his jeep and headed home.

"Hey Isaac, do you want to come to my place? My dad has night shift and I thought we could watch some movies and have dinner together" Liam said blushing.

"Are you inviting me to have a sleep over on a school night?" Isaac asked rising and eyebrow with a serious look.

"Oh, I just-"

"Of course I want to, you dumb ass; I'm just messing around" he interrupted the boy and ruffled his hair.

"Sleep over? Can I come too?" Mason asked excited earning a glare from Isaac with his irises flashing yellow "Okay, okay! No, I get it. You don't have to be so mean you know" he said.

"Sorry Isaac but I have to drive him home" Liam sighed and so did Isaac.

"Okay, the faster we get rid of him the happier I'll be" Isaac jested.

On their way to Mason's house he didn't stop talking. "So, Isaac who turned you? How long ago was it? Where were you living all this time? Did really the creature made you return? I guess that now you're dating Liam you will stay even after the creatures is either trapped o killed right? You just make a beautiful couple Liam, I'm sure I've told you that already but I seriously mean it..." and many, many more stuff.

"Can you go a bit faster Liam? This friend of yours is worse than Stiles... And that's saying a lot" Isaac complained.

After about an hour they were in Liam's house preparing everything they would need for the sleep over. Liam moved the couches and tables of the living room and put two mattresses in front of the huge, flat T.V screen. He took at least five bowls from the kitchen for the snacks and two glasses for the coke. They ordered three pizzas and selected three movies to watch along the night. At first they were sitting one next to the other watching the movie when Liam stretched his left hand over Isaac's belly trying to reach for a pizza slice.

"Come on, you're almost there" Isaac said chuckling.

"Shut up! Don't make fun of my height and give me one slice of bacon pizza"

"No I won't, take it by yourself" Isaac teased him making Liam lean to his side and when the box was within his reach Isaac pushed it farther "Are you going to let the box make you look bad?" he laughed.

"You'll pay for this once I eat" Liam warned him. He knew the only way of reaching it was to completely lean on Isaac's torso and tights but he felt so embarrassed with the bare thought of it. He pressed his hands in the floor to prop up to his feet but Isaac pulled him down again.

The wolf and the boy (Sterek) - A Teen Wolf fanficWhere stories live. Discover now