Chapter 24

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Stiles was on his bed. He fell asleep at some point waiting for Derek to arrive. Almost around 10 in the night Derek climbed to the roof and opened the window of Stiles' room. When he entered and saw Stiles sleeping he felt disappointed.

When he arrived to his loft he felt tired and overslept. He cursed himself for not being in the boy's house earlier, but his thoughts quickly disappeared when he saw at Stiles' face; he took in every detail of the human's face. He had white skin, his eyebrows and eyelashes bushy, their dark brown color making a beautiful contrast against his skin. His eyes covered by their lids; his small rounded nose, his prominent cheekbones less visible because his facial muscles were relaxed; his lips thin and slightly long with a bright pink and his perfectly smooth skin with no sign of facial hair growth. He seemed younger when he was asleep and so peaceful. Derek loved the way the moles and freckles were carefully distributed along the boy's face. Stiles was laying down on his left side embracing a pillow, his arms with some short hairs along them, they had more muscle mass than Derek remembered; his hands were also beautiful, his fingers long and thin, his nails cut and clean and seemed quite stronger that when he first met him.

Derek fought the urge to caress the boy's face; he was so lost taking in as much details as he could that he was startled when the boy started to groan and mumble "You lying dog, you better have a good excuse for not coming"

"Stiles I'm here, I'm sorry..." He whispered.

"You better make it up to me now"

"What? What you mean by-"

"Yeah that's what I'm talking about Derek! Keep going. Ugh! Don't worry, you can use as much fangs as you want, I love it" he was mumbling and moaning while breathing heavily, Derek's jaw dropped and his eyes widened. "I really hope you keep screwing things up so you can make it up to me like this. Always. God you're freaking good at it! Nice fangs!" Derek reached with his hand to touch his teeth still dumbfounded. 

"Come on rip off my flesh if you want, I love it when you bite hard you dirtywolf" Derek felt his face burn and couldn't take it anymore; he smacked Stiles hard on his forehead instantly waking him up. The boy let out a scream and jumped jerking his head backward smacking the back of his skull on the wall.

"What the heck was that for!?" he demanded rubbing his temples and his hindhead "I was having a pleasant dream!" he protested.

"I'm aware of that" Derek remarked pissed.

"How could you know? Can wolves read minds now?" Stiles asked taunting him.

"No need for that. Your mind is pretty noisy. Just like you. Now get back to sleep you have school tomorrow." He growled.

"What!? You wake me up just to make me sleep? That's the meanest thing you can do in the world" he complained narrowing his eyes.

"I don't care. It's your fault, can't you dream something more... Normal?" he grumbled.

"I'm a teenager Derek, that's normal for my age you know? God, old people are so boring" Stiles said annoyed.

"Either way you sleep naturally or I'll make you sleep by physical means" Derek threatened raising his clenched fist.

"Can we at least cuddle?" Stiles asked irritated.

Derek rolled his eyes and took off his boots and socks "Move..." he laid down on his left side as Stiles did so too "Puny pervert" he whispered.

"Well look who uses nicknames now" Stiles chuckled earning a glare fron Derek. "Honestly, how did you know what I was dreaming?" Stiles asked curious.

Derek took a deep breath "Because of this Stiles" he said putting his hand on Stiles' crotch and softly grabbing the boy's hardened member making Stiles blush and clear his throat.

The wolf and the boy (Sterek) - A Teen Wolf fanficWhere stories live. Discover now