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[(y/n) POV]

Life. What is it really if you have nothing. If you had no one in your life to share every waking moment together. All I ever think about is him. What our life together was like. What I could have been if I had stayed. I wonder if he's met someone new, someone who would be with him and understand him like I did. Why is life so cruel in punishing me for my actions.

"yo boss lady, we're ready for ya" Becca says breaking me out of my thoughts.
"I'll be there in a minute"
Now you're probably wondering what's going on. I would to. Let me introduce myself, I'm (y/n) I moved to America when I was 16. Both my parents were American, but wanted me to have a better life so they moved to the UK when I was 2. There we lived next door to a family that had a daughter a few years older then me and a young boy who was just about the same age as me. The boy his name was Harry. He was my best friend. When I got to the age of 10 I started to have feelings for Harry. Harry was always there for me. Helping me with bullies, school, and crushes. I never told Harry that I liked him till I turned 14. It was one of the best days of my life.


"Happy Birthday (y/n)"
"thanks Harry"
Oh gosh he is so cute. Why did I have to dress like this. Maybe I should go out on some makeup my mom got me for Christmas.
"Harry? "
"yeah? "
"why did you do that?"
"because you're beautiful."
Did he just say what I think he said. Oh my goodness.
"harry" "(y/n)" we say at the same time. "you go first" He said.
"I really like you Harry"
"I like you too. "
"No. Like like like you"
"(y/n) I like like you too".
~end of flashback~

Like I said best damn day of my life. God that seems just like yesterday but in fact it's been 6 years since I left. I miss him like crazy. Where was I, oh yeah, after that day we had been together well up until I turned 16 when I was told we would be moving back to America for my dad's job. I had to say goodbye to everything back in England. When we can to America my parents and I had been living here for a good 2 years, and then something terrible happened. I list them. When I was 18 and about to start college, my parents got into a car accident and had died on impact. I was living on my own for quite sometime after the accident until Joe found me. Now Joe isn't your typical old man. He's a 66 year old man who took me in and taught me everything he knows. He was like a father to me. I got everything of his when he passed. His house, his money and even his gang. Like Whoa me the leader of his gang. The gang that is feared all across the nation. We're called the Minx. We're kinda badass if you ask me.

Right now in the gang we are about to head out. Now you're probably wondering where were going what we're going to do. Well the other day the leader of The Dead eyes got a hold of me and asked if me and my crew could fly out and help them. Now when we arrive we always arrive in style. Where we're going you ask well let me tell you. I'm going back home. London, England.

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