Chapter 5: The Fan Girl

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an obsessive female fan (usually of movies, comic books, or science fiction).

I know this apples to a lot of you out there. There are a lot of different fan girls. The most usual fandom you can come across is boy band fandom, anime or, in my opinion the most popular, Youtubers. This fandom can be one of the most exciting or annoying. It all depends if you're in the inner circle, if you know all the new videos. A lot of the Soda Pops are in fandoms, and if you don't know every little detail in every little video, you will be tossed out like a sack of rotten potatoes. Fandoming can be very addictive. So many likes and dislikes come into play. It can be so hard to control yourself from going over the top. I have to say, I really respect the fan girls who like one thing and stick to it. It's also kind of cool how they know every tiny detail or fact about their fandom. I have to say I can get a little addicted to it too. One of the most popular fandoms in my school, Willowmore High, is the Percy Jackson fandom. So I'm not going to say to watch out for this type of girl, but just try to be true to your own likes and dislikes, and don't try to play along with it to get popular. But if that's not a problem fan on!

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