Ch.1 What the fuck's a greenie

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Rose's POV
The sound of creaking and rattling echoed through my ears and my body felt as if it was floating upwards but not in a gentle way it was violently shaking, I slowly opened my eyes blinking a few times to adjust to my new surrounding I couldn't remember a thing not a name nor how I got here or where I am but by the looks of it I'm in some soft of caged box, round me were creates with God knows what in them.

The box came to a forced stop cause my body to be thrown into the air along with the crates
"ah bloody hell" I yelled as my body came in contact with the ground on my way down.
The red lights that were lighting the box turned green then switched off and for a few seconds I was in complete darkness that was until a blinding light shot through the roof.
"What the fuck!" I groaned shielding my eyes from the light that was blinding me.
A loud thump filled the box and soon after a British voice.
"Welcome to the glade gree....." The British male stopped mid sentence.
I moved my hands away from my eyes and waited for them to adjust to the light once they had my eyes fell upon a rather attractive blonde haired male who I guess the voice came from.
"What's a matter newt" a voice from outside the box called
"It's a girl" the British replied with surprise in his voice and excited cheers filled the air,
"Nah shit mate what the fuck were you expecting a bloody koala" I said standing myself up and stretching my sore muscles.

The boy named Newt stared at me with a stupid bloody look on his face I just ignored him and grabbed the crates and stacked them up before using them to get out of the box newt must have snapped out of his weird trance because he followed after me.
My eyes widened when I was able to get a better look at what was outside the box "what in the world?" I said as I found myself surrounded by a herd of teenage boys I raised an eye brow as I looked at them not a single pair of breasts to be seen, my view of the boys were suddenly blocked by a chest I slowly raised my head to see a dark skinned boy looking down at me.
"welcome to the glade greenie Names alby I'm the leader here" he said in a stern masculine voice.from
There was a silence between us for a brief moment before I broke it.
"Oi What the fucks a greenie mate do I look green to you" I said crossing my arms and shaking my head as my eyes scanned up and down his body.
"Ahaha she's feisty one" yelled a voice from the sea of males and the air erupted in laughed
"Aww leave the poor girl alone she's probably scared" newt said
I stared at him "scared...of what you and these hormonal teenagers ahaha not a chance mate" I said patting his back ,
"Sound like someone familiar?" Alby asked
"Yeah Minho!" yelled a boy who stood behind him
"What the fuck is a Minho?" I asked placing my hands on my hips
"We will answer all your questions later but for now I'll have newt give you a tour of our little home called hell" alby said before walking away and yelling at the boys to get back to work.
"It's not really called hell" newt said with a gentle smile "so got a name love?" He asked

authors note:
Ok I know this chapter is short but it's just to see how people like it so do leave a comment and vote if you'd like a second chapter.

The picture I found on Google

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