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Gally's POV
I dragged the new greenie with me to where the other builders were gathered "all right listen up you shanks! The greenie here is going to be working with us for the rest of the day. If I go off everything that has happen with Newt I'm going to need you to help, cuz she's apparently a hand full" I hear some one cough beside me and I remember that the greenie is standing right beside me "first of all I have a fucking name which may I in form you is not greenie. And I am not a hand full it's just that Newt can't handle my awesomeness" We all looked at the greenie. I was surprised that she had the audacity to even speak up let alone correct me. We then hear a different voice, one that was not a builder "no Gallys right you are a handfull" we all turned around to see Newt leaning against the door frame "oh shut up and go back to the gardens or some shit like that" this time i turned to look at the greenie and my eyebrows shot up in surprise. I have never heard anyone talk back to newt like that - the exception being Alby. Newt left, leaving me with the greeine even though i was still in shock to hear her talk back. She then tuned to look at me and was about to say something when confusion etched its way in to her face "what the fuck dude? Like what the actual fuck is up with your eyebrows?" The comment made all of the builders go oohhhh i looked at the other builders and sent them a glare "all of you get back to work" no one moved an inch "now!" I shouted and they all scrambled around to get the things they needed and continued to do their work "now its just you and me greenie" i stated

Rose's POV
"I told you THAT I HAVE A FUCKING NAME" all of the boys turned to look at me while i just glared back at them. I took a deep breath to calm myself and look at the dude with the weird ass eyebrows "my name is Rose, so if your going to refer to me for whatever reason you will refer to me as Rose. Do you understand?" The boys eyes widened and nodded his head. I don't know why but the fact that he was slightly scared of me was comforting. "So greeni- Rose if you come with me i will show you what to do" i groaned at the thought of doing work but followed him anyways. "To start with let's get you to hammer some nails" gally said as he walked over to a half completed animal pen "this should keep you occupied and out of the way" gally said in almost a whisper but i still heard him and just rolled my eyes, "here" he said handing me a hammer and a handful of nails "just don't break anything or hurt anyone" he said talking to me like I was some kind of irresponsible out of control brat, like what the fuck mate I'm completely responsible and mature.
"Yes captain gally" I said placing my hand on my forehead giving him a salute and I could see a small blush creep onto his face when I called him captain gally, "g-get to w-work!" He stuttered before walking off rather quick causing me to laugh and shake my head.

Gally's POV
It had been around an hour since I left the greenie to do some work on an uncompleted animal pen so I decided to check up on her, once I got to the animal pen my right eye twitched as I saw a few boards with nails bend and sticking out of them and a few broken planks of wood one even had a hammer stuck to it, i clinched my fist and looked at rose who was asleep under a tree in an weird position it looked like she was trying to run while laying on her side, she snored softly and rolled over now facing away from me "Hey! Wake Up!!" I yelled to her but she didn't even move a muscle as if provoking me to yell louder but luckily for her I didn't because I had a better idea. I walked away and came back with a big black spider of course it wasn't poisonous, I placed the spider on her leg and watched as it crawled up it and smirked when I saw rose start to wake up "agh this is so uncomfy" she said and sat up then noticed something crawling up her leg "FUCK IS THAT A SPIDER!" Rose let out a small scream then kicked her leg up sending the spider flying into my face "kill it!" I heard rose scream as she jumped up and a loud echoing sound followed after.

I stopped what I was doing when I heard a strange echoed sound and decided to check it out. I walked over to where I heard the noise, as I got closer I saw that Rose was over there and decided to see if I could find out what happened. "Rose what's going on?" She looked at me and then over at Gally I turned my head and saw that Gally had a giant red hand mark on the side of his face. I took Rose by the wrist and drag her over to Gally, I saw him flinch a little bit we she got closer, I held her hand up to Gallys face and saw that it was the same size as the mark on his face. "Damn girl what did he do to make you slap him" I said looking to Rose with a raised eyebrow, "well you see there was this spider on his face and I was only trying to kill it" she said innocently.
"What was that noise, is anyone hurt" I turned around to see alby walking towards us
"Rose slapped gally because I spider was on his face and she was attempting to get it off but missed and hit his cheek and the spiders where about's are unknown" I said holding back a laugh along with the other builders who were gathered around,
"Is that what happened?" Ably asked Gally ".....yeah" he replied rubbing his sore cheek as he looked away. "See we all good over here no need to worry" Rose said trying to shoo alby away, alby just raised an eyebrow at her before walking away even more confused then when he came.
"God greenie you trying to get on alby's bad side or what" I said laughing and placed my hand on her shoulder "you should apologise to gally and hope that he'll let you continue working or else you might just end up being a slopper at this rate" I told her before turning around and leaving not giving her even a second to ask me questions like 'why should I? Or what's a slopper'.

Third person POV
Rose turned and faced gally " sorry...." She mumbled and crossed her arms, "what ever gre....rose just get back to work. And why does Zart get to call you greenie!" Gally asked looking a little annoyed.
"Because Zart is my friend and he can call me whatever he wants" Rose replied sassily moving her head side to side,
Gally didn't even bother saying anything else and walked off. Rose walked over to where the planks of wood and nails were and plopped down onto her ass.

After a few hours of working Rose heard a loud sound echo though the glade at first she thought someone else must of slapped gally but then she noticed the gate to the so called maze started to close, Rose slowly arose from where she was sitting and walked a little closer to the maze gate and watched as it completely closed was a thump. Rose turned around and went back to where she was working and before she could do anything she was interrupted by a certain blonde headed hoe track-hoe that is. "So did you build or fix anything greenie?" Zart asked as he leaned his elbow on roses head as if mocking her height "i builded a box!" Rose replied holding up the poorly made box "it's for you to put your vegetables in" Rose said as she looked up at Zart with a smile, Zart took a few steps back and placed his hand on his chest where his heart is "so cute!" He said laughing, Rose rolled her eyes and stood up handing it to him.
Zart happily excepted the box with a smile and ruffled her hair "oi mate don't touch the fucking hair!" Rose said swatting his hand away causing him to laugh once again, "so why'd you come over here don't you have a job to do?" Rose asked placing a hand on her hip, "nah no more work until tomorrow I actually came to tell you we are gonna start the bonfire" Zart said as he grabbed roses arm and started to pull her "bonfire?" Rose questioned as she looked a little confused "yeah it's like a welcoming thing we do for all newbies in the glade" Zart said as he let go of her arm when she followed him willingly "oh yeah party just for me!" Rose cheered happily as she followed Zart to where the bonfire was being held.

Oh yeah chapter four is finished give me your feedback!
And don't forget to leave a comment and a vote

Also credit to tmr_for_Life being an amazing co-writer/editor loves you my royal bitch

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