Chapter 5

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Mike pushed Tré's door open to see exactly what he expected: Tré, in the exact position he had left him in, watching the TV with a deadpan expression.

"Hey, do you need anything?" He asked, choosing his words carefully. He didn't want to annoy him even more.

Tré simply glared at the TV, as if the cartoon characters were offending him in some way. "No."

"Alright. I'm gonna go."

Tré sighed, not wanting Mike to leave him with Billie. Not because he didn't like Billie or anything, he just knew Billie needed someone right now and Tré didn't have the patience for that.

Nonetheless, all Mike got was a simple 'fine'. He gave Tré a loving kiss on the forehead like always, but Tré wasn't phased so he just left.

Billie was pacing in the kitchen, not sure which move to make. He just wanted Tré back, old Tré.

He searched through Tré's hospital bag and pulled out his ripped up leather jacket which they had cut off Tré many hours before.

Tré had loved this thing, wearing it even when he wasn't on his bike sometimes. And now it was ruined.

Suddenly Billie knew what to do.

About an hour later, Billie came back into the house with his shopping bag, heading straight up the stairs to Tré's room.

Tré still hadn't moved, but Billie had a surprise.

"Hey, I got you something." Billie grinned, unable to hide his excitement.

He plopped onto the bed and opened the bag, pulling out a brand new leather jacket and handing it to Tré.

Tré looked disgusted. He shoved it back into Billie's hands, shaking his head.

Billie's stomach dropped. "I-I'm sorry, I wanted to cheer you up and I thought-"

"You thought you'd give me something to remind me of why I'm like this in the first place?" Tré snapped.

Billie's lip quivered and something deep inside Tré made him feel bad for the guy, but the anger beat that feeling.

"You're such a fucking idiot." Tré added, and Billie looked down, putting the jacket back into the bag. Everything he did was wrong.

As Billie didn't say anything, the anger grew in Tré. He wanted Billie to bite back, he wanted a full on shouting argument. Anything to get rid of the anger he had inside of him. Without him realising, he said it.

"This is all your fault anyway, you wanted to ride the bikes."

Billie felt sick. Tré had just said the biggest fear he had been worried about this whole time.

He dropped the bag and ran out, shutting the door behind him. He made his way to his safe place, the kitchen.

His eyes were blurred from tears as he slid down the counter, sitting on Tré's kitchen floor. Again.

He cried into his arms until his head hurt and his eyes ached, the guilt overwhelming him. He eventually pulled himself up, needing a pill for his head.

As he popped the bottle open with shaky hands, the pills flew everywhere. He dropped the bottle and groaned, picking all the pills off the floor and putting them in the sink. So much for pain relief.

All of Tré's other pills were too strong for Billie to take so he just gave up with Tré ever wanting to see him again and went out to his car, driving home.

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