Chapter 2

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Billie held Tré's hand the whole ride there, but Tré simply lay with his eyes closed and didn't respond as the paramedics worked on him.

He made little groans of pain as they felt around his body, before they pulled up at the hospital and whisked Tré out of the van, pushing him on the stretcher as Billie ran to catch up.

In the safety of the hospital room, Billie frowned as he noticed that every piece of clothing they removed from Tré caused him a considerable amount of pain, as he groaned each time. But when they began to pull his leather jacket off, he screamed in pain and his eyes glistened with tears.

"Cut it off." One of the paramedics said, and another reached for a pair of scissors and began to chop the leather off, doing the same to his shirt. Tré kept his eyes closed now, wishing the pain would subside. "Take him for x-rays." The same paramedic ordered, and they all wheeled Tré off to the x-ray room as Billie stood, helpless.

He swallowed hard and tried to will his stomach to settle. Tré was probably okay now. He sat on a chair next to the bed and sighed.

A few moments later, they wheeled Tré back into the room and the doctor began talking to Billie. "We have found at least 3 broken ribs. They will be causing him the pain. If he has someone watching over him, he'll be able to leave right after we give him some meds. If not, he'll need to stay here, so would you be willing to look after him for a few weeks? He can't be alone."

Billie looked at Tré and Tré looked back at him with pleading eyes. Billie knew Tré hated hospitals.

"Sure, I'll take care of him no bother." Billie nodded and smiled slightly, and the doctor set about giving Tré his medication. He then gave Billie his other medication in a bag and told him when Tré needed it. Then he left and Billie helped Tré get dressed, and then called a nurse to help them to a cab.

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