Chapter 6

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Tré sighed as Billie ran out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Feeling able to sit up, Tré grabbed the shopping bag, examining the jacket.

It looked like Tré's old one and Tré knew it would have been really hard to find. He found a note attached, which simply said 'I'm sorry -B'.

He suddenly felt extremely guilty. Billie was so sorry and it wasn't even his fault. It was Tré's, for not being careful.

Tré stood up for the first time in what felt like forever, and made his way downstairs to confront Billie.

As he got to the kitchen, he was met with an empty room.

He frowned and started looking for a note, knowing Billie wouldn't leave without telling Tré where he was going.

An empty pill bottle was lying on the kitchen floor and Tré picked it up, examining it. Painkillers. Three or four were scattered on the kitchen floor and suddenly it dawned on Tré. Billie had taken a full bottle of pills!

"Billie!" Tré screamed, hoping Billie was still at Tré's. There was no answer.

Tré ran-slash-hobbled to the window and peered out, his heart beating faster when he realised Billie's car was gone.

What had he done?

He grabbed the phone and dialled Mike's number, begging him to answer.


Tré breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god! Mike, I snapped at Beej and a bunch of painkillers are missing, there's an empty bottle on the kitchen floor. I think he's trying to overdose but he's gone."

Mike was silent. "I can't do anything, I'm on my way out of town and we're in traffic, wh-should I call an ambulance?"

"No, no I'll just go."


Tré hung up and threw the phone, taking a few painkillers himself before running out to his car, jumping in and driving to Billie's.

The normally 10 minute drive took only three and Tré didn't even bother knocking on Billie's door, busting it down.

He ran up the stairs to Billie's room, finding the singer curled up on the bed, sobbing.

Tré wasted no time, yanking up and dragging a struggling, protesting Billie into the bathroom where Tré shoved his fingers down Billie's throat. Billie choked and threw up, retching as Tré patted his back.

When he had finally recovered from the initial shock of being dragged into a bathroom and forced to vomit, he stared at Tré with wide eyes. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"I'm saving your life, it's not healthy to take that many pills, you could die!"

Realisation dawned on Billie and he shook his head. "I dropped them, Tré. I dropped the pills on the floor so I just washed them down the sink and came here. I didn't take anything, never mind that many."

Tré blinked. "Oh. So I just forced you to puke for no reason then?"

Billie nodded. "Yep."

A short silence fell before Tré sighed. "I'm so sorry Beej."

"It's okay. I've had worse shoved down my throat."

Tré shot Billie a questionable look but continued. "But, no. I don't just mean for that, I mean for being awful to you. This wasn't your fault. I should have been paying attention, you tried to stop it happening. In a way, you saved my life. I would have went off road and hurt myself worse if it wasn't for you. And I love the jacket, Billie. Thank you."

Hearing Tré say it wasn't Billie's fault made a huge difference than Mike saying it, and just the feeling of not having to feel guilty made Billie tear up. Tré didn't hate him, everything was okay.

"Sh, it's alright." Tré soothed, drawing Billie into a hug and rubbing his back slowly as he felt Billie relax against him.

Billie nuzzled his head against Tré's shoulder like a puppy needing comfort and Tré smiled, stoking his hair. "How about a lie down, hm?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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