The beginning of an end

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The phone hung up.

My palms were sweating. I couldn't move. It was horrible.

I didn't know what to do. I sat down at the table beside my bed. I flipped to the first page. The title screamed out loud"MAN ESCAPES PRISON STRONGHOLD".I continued reading."James Hook, the man responsible for the cold blooded crimes committed, has done the impossible and escaped from the prison island locals know as the island of hell"was the first line.

It didn't matter to me. How could i possibly care?Jack was dead. The same Jack that played with me after school. The same Jack that ate ice-cream with me. The same Jack that bailed me out of trouble so many times.He was dead. It was hard to believe. I had lost contact with him after we went our separate ways.

Such a wasted life. So young. I was convinced he would grow up to be a good man. He wouldn't now. He wouldn't ever.

I ran back into my room and slammed the door shut. I sat on my bed and looked out of the window .

Someone was standing there, staring into my window. As he saw me, he quickly walked away.

How strange.

Peter SmithWhere stories live. Discover now