• Chapter 6: Communicating

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Sachee's POV

What's taking him so long? Could a simple walk last for several hours? Really Do Kyungsoo? Are you really trying to make me guilty?

Where could that man be? He isnt lost...isnt he? He could really be a kid sometimes, but I hope he isnt kid enough to get lost.

I walked back and forth on the same spot. Constantly looking at the wall clock and the window. If he isnt here in five minutes...I'm going out to find him.

4 Minutes...

3 Minutes...

2 Minutes...

1 Minute...


I grabbed my hoodie from the rack then rushed out.


I dont have a phone (I stopped using it since...since you know when) so I cant call him. I cant shout his name in the middle of the night either, some people might be asleep already. I have no choice but to take a walk too and look for him.

Kyungsoo...Kyungsoo...where could you be.

I walked for a bit, feeling the cold night breeze. It's nice. It feels nice.

I should try this more often. Walking at night. It's peaceful.


A few minutes later of rounding the neigborhood...I felt someone following me. I turned around but no one was there.

I shrugged the feel off then continued walking.

Again I felt someone following but I didnt mind. I didnt mind until I felt someone grab my hand and spun me around.

I saw Kai looking at me seriously. Yeah...I saw him. I saw...I SAW KAI?! What is he doing here... in the middle of the night?

He sighed. "What are you doing walking alone in the middle of the night? It's dangerous. Specially you're a girl. Bad things may happen." I just shrugged. I have no paper to answer him. He sighed again, probably realising why I'm not answering.

"If you want to take a walk in the night...you should take someone with you nextime okay? I cant afford my friend getting hurt." He scolded softly. He's so kind. "Where are you headed to?" 

I shook my head "Eh? Then...then...why are you walking?"

I looked at him. Then again he realized I cant answer since I dont have anything. He sighed. "You know...you should find diffent ways to talk. I mean you cant always carry a pen and paper with you right? Hmm."

He's...he has a point. But...how? I dont know how to sign language. He tapped his chin. "I'll think of a way, for now...let's walk."  He said then grabbed my wrist then pulled me to walk.

We started walking. His right hand holding my wrist then his left on his pockets. "Cute hoodie." He commented. I looked at my hoodie...this isnt mine. It's Jong In's "But isnt it a bit boyish for a girl...and it's too big for you. Look at it. I looks like a dress on you. Is that hoodie really yours?"

I shook my head "Figures. Whose is it? Father?" I shook my head again. "Brother?" And again "Boyfriend?" I remained still. Boyfriend. Yes. It was my bofriend's "Your boyfriend!? You have a boyfriend?!!" He bellowed. I shook my head rapidly.

No. He cant know about Jong In. He might get curious about him and he might know that he's a exact replica of my boyfriend. 

"Oh. Then who owns that sweater? A friend?" I nodded. Yes. Friend. That's enough.

Kiss The RainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon